Generate leads automatically with Cold Emailing

Find out how to boost your presence on LinkedIn and Mastering Cold Emailing with our Instantly Ebook.

How to achieve 10 meetings a day by automatically sending more than 1000 cold emails with an open rate greater than 50%?

Before we started working at Instantly, we had an agency and sent a lot of cold emails. The thing is, we were paying around $800 a month for warm-up and emailing services.

This was one of our biggest costs and we really wanted to see if there was a way to create our own warm-up and shipping service so we could save that money monthly. After our developer researched the architecture needed to build this, we had the exact same question as you. Are we missing something or is everyone overcharging?

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Our Ebook will help you...

  • What is Instantly?
  • Technology Stack
  • Configuration
  • Get the databases
  • The Instantly App
  • Instantly Sequences
  • Metrics
  • Hyperise: The Jewel in the Crown