
Legal Information

In compliance with Article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) we present the following information:
Company name: Insurgente Solutions S.L
C.I.F.: B44904290
Address: Carrer del Camí del Racó nº6 C3G, 43840 (Salou, Spain)
Email: mjornet@insurgente.es
Telephone: 640 573 432
Company registered in the commercial register of Tarragona, Volume 3361, Folio 80, Sheet T-60125

Data protection

You can obtain information about the processing of your personal data in the Privacy Policy or request it at our contact address.

2. The personal data collected on our website are treated in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data, as well as with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights.

3. Likewise, we guarantee that personal data is treated lawfully, fairly and transparently, and is collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, remaining limited to those purposes and updated if necessary. The identification of interested parties will not be allowed for longer than necessary and their security will be guaranteed by appropriate technical and organizational measures.

4. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, as well as the other rights granted to you by data protection regulations on personal data by presenting a copy of an identification document to the contact address of the person responsible. If you want to stop receiving our commercial communications, you can also send your request to the above address.

5. You can find more information about your rights or file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority at the Spanish Data Protection Agency http://www.agpd.es — Jorge Juan Street, 6. 28001 — Madrid (901 100 099 — 912 663 517).

Limitation of Responsibilities

The entity provides the corporate website as a means of publicizing its products and services, and allowing contact with customers. The information on the website is presented in good faith as true, but we reserve the right to modify it without assuming any commitment to communicate changes for the purpose of updating, correcting, deleting and any other information in the interest of the entity or our customers.

2. The entity is not responsible for the fact that the information contained on the website corresponds to the User's expectations. In the same way, it is not responsible for the veracity, accuracy, sufficiency, completeness or updating of information that is not prepared properly by the person responsible. Under no circumstances is the entity responsible for any opinions or comments that may appear on the website.

3. With the intention that the user can find additional information, the entity may include links that allow access to other websites. Under no circumstances does the existence of such links imply recommendation, promotion or agreement by the entity with the statements, content, or services offered on the linked website. In these cases, the entity acts as a provider of intermediary services, so, by virtue of Article 17 LSSI, the entity will not be responsible for the services and content provided through such links, unless it is aware of the illegality of the content and has not acted with due diligence.

4. The entity is not responsible for damages of any kind that the user may suffer while visiting our website due to the presence of viruses or computer failures in the contents, which may cause alterations to the computer system, electronic documents or Clients' files.

Intellectual Property

All the contents of this website, meaning the different elements that constitute it (texts, drawings, graphics, photographs, images, videos, music, code, web design and any other creation), belong to the entity or its licensors and are all protected in accordance with the Spanish Intellectual Property Law and other current Spanish and international legislation relating to copyright.

2. In addition, the entity is the owner of industrial property rights derived from the use of brands, distinctive signs and trade names that appear on the website.

3. Under no circumstances will it be understood that making the website available to the public constitutes a waiver, assignment or license of the rights that the entity has over the contents and distinctive signs of the same. Consequently, except in those cases in which it is legally permitted or there is prior authorization from the Data Controller, the user is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, communicating publicly, making available, extracting and/or reusing the website, its contents and the distinctive signs of both the responsible party and those third parties that appear on the website. The entity reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against Users who violate the conditions of use established above.

4. The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, provision, extraction and/or reuse of the website, without the corresponding authorization of the owners of the intellectual property rights or their assignees, involves the commission of offences established by the applicable regulations, criminally punishable by imprisonment of up to two years.

Insurgente Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Insurgente Solutions S.L has adapted this website to the requirements of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, known as the Regulations for the Development of the LOPD. It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).

Responsible for the processing of your personal data

Company name: Insurgente Solutions S.L
C.I.F.: B44904290
Address: Carrer del Camí del Racó nº6 C3G, 43840 (Salou, Spain)
Email: mjornet@insurgente.es
Telephone: 640 573 432
Company registered in the commercial register of Tarragona, Volume 3361, Folio 80, Sheet T-60125

For the purposes of the above-mentioned General Data Protection Regulation, the personal data you send us through the forms on the web will be processed as “Web users and subscribers”. For the processing of our users' data, we implement all the technical and organizational security measures established in current legislation.

Principles that we will apply to your personal information:

When processing your personal data, we will apply the following principles that meet the requirements of the new European data protection regulation:

1. Principle of lawfulness, loyalty and transparency: We will always require your consent for the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes that we will inform you beforehand with absolute transparency.

2. Principle of data minimization: We will only request data that is strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which we require it. The minimum possible.

3. Principle of limiting the storage period: the data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the treatment, depending on the purpose, we will inform you of the corresponding conservation period, in the case of subscriptions, we will periodically review our lists and delete those inactive records for a considerable time.

4. Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Your data will be treated in such a way that adequate security of personal data is guaranteed and confidentiality is guaranteed. You should know that we take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of our user data by third parties.

How do we obtain personal data?
The personal data that we process at insurgente.es come from:
1. Contact form
2. Subscription form

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether insurgente.es is processing personal data that concerns me, or not.

Interested persons have the right to:

Request access to personal data relating to the interested party
Request its rectification or deletion
Request the limitation of your treatment
Oppose treatment
Request data portability

Interested parties may access their personal data, as well as request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. Under certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case I will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

Under certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may object to the processing of their data. Insurgente Solutions S.L. will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. As an interested party, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, that you have provided to us and in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another data controller when:

The treatment is based on consent
The data have been provided by the interested person.
The treatment is carried out by automated means.

When exercising your right to data portability, you have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from controller to controller when technically possible.

Interested parties will also have the right to effective judicial protection and to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, in this case, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, if they consider that the processing of personal data concerning them violates the Regulation.

For what purpose do we process your personal data?

When a user connects to this website, for example to comment on a post, send an email to the owner, subscribe or make a contract, they are providing personal information for which Insurgente Solutions S.L. is responsible. This information may include personal data such as your IP address, name, physical address, email address, telephone number, and other information. By providing this information, the user gives their consent for their information to be collected, used, managed and stored by insurgente.es, only as described in the Legal Notice and in this Privacy Policy.

Eninsurgente.es there are different systems for capturing personal information and I process the information provided to us by interested persons for the following purpose for each capture system (forms):

Contact form: We request the following personal data: Name, Email, to respond to the requirements of insurgente.es users. For example, we can use this data to respond to your request and respond to any questions, complaints, comments or concerns you may have regarding the information included on the website, the services provided through the web, the processing of your personal data, questions regarding the legal texts included in the web, as well as any other queries you may have and that are not subject to the contracting conditions. I inform you that the data you provide us will be located on the Dinahosting servers (provider of Insurgente Solutions S.L.) within the EU.

Content subscription form: In this case, we request the following personal data: Name, Email, to manage the subscription list, send newsletters, promotions and special offers, provided by the user when making the subscription. On the website there are several forms to activate the subscription. The electronic bulletins or newsletters are managed by. I inform you that the data you provide us will be located on the servers of Mailrelay (provider of Insurgente Solutions S.L.) outside the EU in the USA. Mailrelay is covered by the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement, whose information is available hither, approved by the European Data Protection Committee.

There are other purposes for which we process your personal data:

To ensure compliance with the terms of use and applicable law. This may include the development of tools and algorithms that help this website to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data it collects.
To support and improve the services offered by this website.
Other non-identifying data are also collected, which are obtained through some cookies that are downloaded to the user's computer when browsing this website, which I detail in the cookie policy.

To manage social networks, insurgente.es may have a presence on social networks. The processing of data carried out by people who become followers on social networks of the official pages of insurgente.es will be governed by this section. As well as those terms of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the social network that applies in each case and previously accepted by the user of Insurgente Solutions S.L. It will process your data for the purpose of properly managing your presence on the social network, informing you about insurgente.es activities, products or services. As well as for any other purpose that social media regulations allow. Under no circumstances will we use the profiles of followers on social networks to send advertising individually.

In accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) 2016/679, Insurgente Solutions S.L. with address at Carrer del Camí del Racó No. 6 C3G will be responsible for the processing of data corresponding to web users and subscribers.

Insurgente Solutions S.L., does not sell, rent or transfer personal data that could identify the user, nor will it do so in the future, to third parties without prior consent. However, in some cases collaborations can be made with other professionals, in those cases, consent will be required from users informing about the identity of the collaborator and the purpose of the collaboration. It will always be carried out with the strictest safety standards.


The remarketing function allows us to reach people who have visited insurgente.es before and associate a specific audience with a specific message. Remarketing is a method to get users who have visited our site to do so again.

As a user of insurgente.es, I inform you that we are collecting or may be able to collect information for this remarketing function on insurgente.es

The information we collect thanks to this function is collected by Facebook cookies and Google Adwords cookies.

If you do not want your information to be collected by these cookies, you can disable Google's use of cookies through the Google Ads Settings. You can also disable the use of cookies from a third-party provider through the Network Advertising Initiative's disabling page.

This type of service allows you to interact with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this website. The interactions and information obtained by this website will always be subject to the user's privacy settings on each social network. If a service is installed that allows interacting with social networks, it is possible that, even if users do not use the service, it collects web traffic data relating to the pages on which they are installed.


At insurgente.es we use Facebook ads, Facebook's advertising platform, which allows us to create campaigns and ads. When generating an ad, you can segment your audience by:

Demographic data (age, gender, etc.)
Interests (activities, hobbies, etc.)

What they buy online and through other channels.

The data obtained through Facebook ads are subject to this privacy policy from the moment the user leaves their data in the form on this website to join the subscription newsletter. Under no circumstances will information from Facebook be used for a different purpose.


At insurgente.es we use Facebook ads, Facebook's advertising platform, which allows us to create campaigns and ads. When generating an ad, you can segment your audience by:

Demographic data (age, gender, etc.)
Interests (activities, hobbies, etc.)

What they buy online and through other channels.

The data obtained through LinkedIn ads are subject to this privacy policy from the moment the user leaves their data in the form on this website to join the subscription newsletter. Under no circumstances will information from LinkedIn be used for a different purpose.


At insurgente.es we use Google Adwords, the Adwords advertising platform, which allows us to create campaigns and advertisements. The data obtained through Google is subject to this privacy policy from the moment the user leaves their data in the form on this website to join the subscription newsletter. Under no circumstances will information from Google be used for a different purpose.

Legitimation for the processing of your data.

The legal basis for the processing of your data is: consent.
To contact or make comments on this website, consent to this privacy policy is required.
The prospective or commercial offer of products and services is based on the consent requested, without in any case the withdrawal of this consent conditioning the execution of the subscription contract, or the contracting of certain products or services.

Data category

The categories of data that are processed are identifying data. Specially protected categories of data are not treated.

How long will we keep your data?
The personal data provided will be kept:
As long as the commercial relationship is maintained.
Until its deletion is requested by the interested party.
Period from the last confirmation of interest: 1 year.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?
Many tools that we use to manage your data are contracted by third parties. To provide services strictly necessary for the development of the activity, insurgente.es shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

Google Analytics: a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help insurgente.es analyze the use made by users of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of insurgente.es (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

HOSTINGER, UAB, a private limited liability company, established under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, code 302710386, legal address at Europos av. 32-4, LT-46326 Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania,. Learn more at: hostinger.com. DinaHosting processes the data for the purpose of performing its hosting services to Insurgente Solutions S.L.

Web platform: Webflow with address in the USA. More information: https://webflow.com/ processes data for the purpose of performing its web platform services to Insurgente Solutions S.L.


When browsing insurgente.es, non-identifiable data can be collected, which may include IP addresses, geographical location (approximately), a record of how services and sites are used, and other data that cannot be used to identify the user. Non-identifying data also includes those related to your browsing habits through third-party services. This website uses the following third-party analysis services:
Google analytics
Facebook Inside
LinkedIn Ads Tag

We use this information to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movements around the site, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.

Data secrecy and security
insurgente.es is committed to the use and processing of data, including personal data, of users, respecting their confidentiality and using them in accordance with the purpose of the same, as well as to complying with its obligation to store them and adapt all measures to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations.

This website includes an SSL certificate. It is a security protocol that allows your data to travel in an integral and secure way, that is, the transmission of data between a server and a web user, and in feedback, is fully encrypted or encrypted.

insurgente.es cannot guarantee the absolute impregnability of the Internet network and therefore the violation of data through fraudulent access to them by third parties.

With regard to the confidentiality of the processing, Insurgente Solutions S.L. will ensure that any person who is authorized by Insurgente Solutions S.L. to process customer data (including its staff, collaborators and providers), will be under the appropriate obligation of confidentiality (whether a contractual or legal duty).

When a security incident occurs, upon realizing it, Insurgente Solutions S.L. must notify the Customer without undue delay and must provide timely information related to the Security Incident as known or when the Customer reasonably requests it.

Accuracy and veracity of the data
As a user, you are solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data you send to insurgente.es, exonerating Insurgente Solutions S.L. from any responsibility in this regard.

Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form.

Acceptance and Consent

The user declares to have been informed of the conditions on the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing of such data by Insurgente Solutions S.L. in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.


The consent given, both for the processing and for the transfer of the data of the interested parties, is revocable at any time by communicating it to Insurgente Solutions S.L. in the terms established in this Policy for the exercise of ARCO rights. Under no circumstances will this revocation be retroactive.

Changes to the privacy policy
Insurgente Solutions S.L. reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or case law, as well as to industry practices. In such cases, Insurgente Solutions S.L. will announce on this page the changes introduced reasonably in advance of their implementation.

Revised document 12/06/2023

Cookie Policy

Legal Information

On this website, we collect and use information as indicated in our privacy policy. One of the ways in which we collect information is through the use of technology called “cookies”. At insurgente.es, we use cookies for several things.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file that is stored in the user's browser while browsing different websites. This file allows you to obtain information about user preferences and browsing patterns. A cookie is not a virus, Trojan horse or spam.

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit cards or bank details, photographs or personal information, etc. The data they store are technical, statistical, personal preferences, content customization, etc.

What types of cookies are there?

Technical cookies: They are the most basic and allow, among other things, to know when a human or an automated application is browsing, when an anonymous user and a registered user are browsing, basic tasks for the operation of any dynamic website.

Analysis cookies: They collect information about the type of browsing you are doing, the sections you use the most, products viewed, time zone of use, language, etc.

Advertising cookies:
They show advertising based on your browsing, your country of origin, language, etc.

.What are own cookies and those of third parties?
Own cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and those of third parties are those generated by external services or providers such as Mailchimp, Mailrelay, Facebook, Twitter, Google adsense, etc.

Cookies used on insurgente.es

This website uses its own and third-party cookies. The following cookies are used on this website, which are detailed below:

List of cookies:
Login: These cookies allow you to remember your username and password.
Personalization: These cookies allow us to remember which people or websites the user interacts with.
Preferences: They remember settings and preferences, such as your preferred language and your privacy settings.
Security: At insurgente.es we use cookies to avoid security risks.

Third-party cookies

insurgente.es uses analysis services, such as Google Analytics, to analyze the use made by users of the website and improve its usability, but under no circumstances are they associated with data that could identify the user. Google Analytics, is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., You can consult hither the type of cookies used by Google.

insurgente.es is a user of the Webflow blog supply and hosting platform. For these purposes, the use of such cookies by the systems is never under the control or management of the person responsible for the website, they can change their function at any time, and new cookies may enter. Nor do these cookies bring any benefit to the person responsible for this website. Webflow Inc., also uses other cookies in order to help identify and track visitors to Webflow sites, to know their use of the Webflow website, as well as their preferences for accessing it, as stated in the “Cookies” section of its privacy policy.

Social media cookies can be stored in your browser while browsing insurgente.es, for example, when you use the insurgente.es content sharing button on a social network.

Below you have information about the social media cookies used by this website in its own cookie policies:

Facebook cookies, see more information in your cookie policy
Twitter cookies, see more information in your cookie policy
LinkedIn cookies, see more information in your cookie policy
YouTube cookies, see more information in your cookie policy

*We carry out remarketing actions using Google AdWords, which uses cookies to help us deliver specific online advertisements based on previous visits to our website. Google uses this information to display advertisements on various third-party websites across the Internet. These cookies are about to expire and do not contain information that could identify you personally. Please go to the Google advertising Privacy notice for more information.

*We carry out remarketing actions using Facebook ads, which use cookies to help us deliver specific online advertisements based on previous visits to our website.

How to delete cookies

The user can delete and block cookies in a general way or in a particular way for a specific domain. This is done from the browser settings:

Cookie settings for Google Chrome
Cookie settings for Apple Safari
Cookie settings for Internet Explorer
Cookie settings for Mozilla Firefox

Learn more about cookies

You can consult the regulations on cookies published by the Spanish Data Protection Agency in its “Guide on the Use of Cookies” and get more information about cookies on the Internet, http://www.aboutcookies.org/

If you want to have greater control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as “Do Not Track” tools, which will allow you to choose which cookies you want to allow.