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+20 B2B Marketing Strategies: How to Succeed 2023

If you are reading this article, it is very likely that you are in charge of a business and want to discover how to achieve the sale of your products or services to other companies. Maybe you're a marketer or just curious about this topic. Whatever your reason, you've come to the right place, because here we'll discuss B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing strategies in detail.

In the next sections of this publication, we will explain what B2B marketing involves, what its fundamental objectives are and, in addition, we will share with you 20 examples of proven strategies that will help you achieve your business goals. We invite you to keep reading to delve into the world of B2B marketing and obtain valuable information for your business.

What is B2B marketing?

B2B marketing is that set of actions that you as a company implement to promote and/or sell your products or services to other companies. In other words, instead of focusing your advertising campaigns on a final consumer (B2C), you focus them on attracting other businesses.

This fundamental difference is reflected, for example, in the fact that while advertisements to end consumers seek to evoke emotions, B2B seeks to show practicality and advantages. Businesses that want to sell to other companies must, with their messages, make it very clear how what is offered improves, streamlines or reduces the operating costs of those target companies. Although this could be considered the main and differential aspect of B2B marketing, there are also others such as:

1-Seeks the establishment and maintenance of long-term business relationships.

2-Purchasing decisions often involve multiple stakeholders within the buying company, each of these parties will focus on different aspects of the offer that comes to them, so the message must be adaptable.

3-As a result of what was mentioned in the previous point, the definitive yes in the B2B world is not achieved overnight, but there is a longer and more complex sales cycle, so we must be prepared for negotiations that take time.

+20 B2B Marketing Strategies

With a clearer idea of what B2B is all about, we want to explain a series of fundamental strategies that help push your marketing approach to new heights. From highly specialized content marketing to the intelligent use of social networks and the maximization of automation, these strategies are effective and adaptable to your needs and how they will change.

Webinars and B2B virtual events

Organizing webinars and virtual events focused on topics relevant to your business audience is a powerful strategy for B2B marketing. These events allow your company to demonstrate its experience and knowledge in an interactive format. You can share valuable information, answer questions in real time and generate leads by requiring registration to participate. Webinars and virtual events are also effective in nurturing existing leads and strengthening relationships with customers by providing them with educational resources and opportunities for interaction. In addition, you can record the events and use them as evergreen content in your content marketing strategy.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn advertising is a highly effective recruitment strategy for B2B companies. This platform allows you to target your ads to a specific audience, based on criteria such as industry, job title, location, and company size. In addition, its ability to measure and analyze ad performance makes it possible to adjust and optimize campaigns. Although LinkedIn not only provides a B2B tool, but there are many, learning to use it correctly can take time and a considerable expense of resources.

At Insurgente, we understand this perfectly, and because of this, we provide comprehensive digital marketing services to companies that seek to make this social network their main source of leads. In our agency we have highly trained personnel in different areas of digital communication, our method will make you see results in the first month (most likely sooner too) and above all else, we will always keep in touch with you to take part, understand your needs, clarify doubts and focus on the business. Leave your B2B marketing strategy in the hands of professionals in the area and free up time to focus on other aspects of your business, without sacrificing results.

Content marketing

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable and relevant content for your business target audience. This can include articles on your blog, detailed case studies that show how your solutions have benefited others, whitepapers that delve into specific industry challenges, and educational content in a variety of formats. The key here is to provide information that answers the questions and needs of companies, demonstrating your experience and building trust over time.

Segmented email marketing

Segmented email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching companies with personalized messages. Use the segmentation of your contact list to divide these companies according to their industry, size and specific needs. Then, create email campaigns that offer relevant content, such as technical reports, case studies, or webinar invitations. Make sure that your messages are relevant to each segment, this will increase the likelihood that they will interact and take action.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for increasing your website's visibility in search results. Research the keywords that companies are looking for in your industry and optimize your content based on them, from product pages to blog posts, for these keywords. When you appear in relevant search results, businesses looking for solutions like yours will be more likely to find you and explore your offering.

Search Engine Advertising (SEM)

Search engine advertising (SEM) allows you to show specific ads to companies that are actively looking for online solutions. Create impactful ads that highlight your unique value propositions and will appear when companies enter related keywords into search engines. This will allow you to arrive at a time when solutions are being sought, potentially increasing your chances of attracting their attention.

Social networks

Social media is your ideal medium for establishing presence and personality. Share relevant content, such as blog articles, infographics and case studies, that add value to your audience. Take part in relevant conversations and join groups or online communities where professionals from your industry of interest meet. Use social media advertising to reach specific companies based on their demographics and online behaviors.

B2B influencer marketing

Influencer marketing in the business environment involves collaborating with experts and leaders. These “influencers” can range from CEOs, founders of successful companies to consultants or specialists in the field that you develop or develop the businesses you want to reach. Collaborate with them to create valuable content, such as webinars, guest articles, or video interviews. Their support can increase trust in your brand and attract the attention of other companies that respect your opinion.

Lead generation with content

The generation of B2B leads with content is based on creating valuable content that attracts companies to provide their contact information in return. Create resources such as ebooks, comprehensive guides or detailed infographics that address problems specific to your audience. Place registration forms on your landing pages and promote these resources on your website, social media, and email campaigns.


Remarketing is a technique that allows you to target companies that have visited your website but haven't taken any action. Using remarketing, set up personalized ads that will be displayed on other websites that these companies visit after leaving your site. Ads can remind them of your value proposition and motivate them to return to your site for more information or to complete a conversion.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation tools allow you to create automated workflows that deliver relevant content to companies at different stages of their buying journey. For example, you can send a series of educational emails to businesses that have signed up to receive your ebook. Automation ensures that each company receives relevant messages at the right time, improving their experience and increasing the chances of conversion.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Email drip campaigns

“Email drip” campaigns are, again, automated sequences of messages that are sent over a long period of time. These campaigns are ideal for nurturing companies throughout their decision-making process. For example, you can create a trickle campaign that provides additional information and testimonials over a period of several weeks. As a result, companies will most likely remain engaged and educated as they move through their buying process.

Interactive content marketing

Interactive content, such as surveys, online calculators or personalized tools, allows your target business audience to interact directly with your brand. This provides practical value and a certain idea of closeness. For example, if you offer an ROI calculation tool, companies can enter their data and get an estimate of how your solutions can benefit financially.

Referral programs

Referral programs are an effective way to leverage your existing customers to attract new business customers. Offer incentives, such as discounts or rewards, to your customers for each company they refer and that eventually converts. Satisfied customers can become your best advocates and help you expand your customer base.

Chatbots on the website

Chatbots are automated online chat tools that can interact with your website visitors. You can implement them to answer frequently asked questions immediately and provide guidance to companies looking for specific solutions. These bots collect contact information for follow-up and help companies find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Educational content

Educational content is essential to showcase your experience and provide value, create detailed content that addresses the common challenges faced by companies in your industry. Examples could include step-by-step guides, video tutorials, explanatory infographics, and more. By providing practical solutions and answers to frequently asked questions, you position yourself as a trusted and respected resource in your field.

Native B2B advertising

Native advertising is organically blended with the content that companies are consuming online. Creating ads that match the style and tone of the surrounding content makes them less intrusive and more attractive, and therefore, will allow you to reach companies in a subtle and effective way. As a result, you'll increase the likelihood that they'll interact with your content and consider your solutions.

Internal Influencer Marketing

Internal influence marketing involves highlighting the success stories and testimonials of your own customers. Provide concrete examples of how your solutions have benefited companies, including numbers and tangible results. Not only does this increase trust in your brand, but it also demonstrates your ability to meet high expectations.

Programmatic B2B advertising

Programmatic advertising allows you to show ads to specific companies on websites relevant to your industry. Use data and advanced segmentation to reach companies that fit your ideal customer profile. Programmatic advertising ensures that your ads are shown to the right companies at the right time, increasing the chances of attracting their attention.

B2B Video Content

Video content is highly effective in B2B marketing, as it allows you to transmit information in a visual and attractive way. Create videos that demonstrate how your products or services solve specific business challenges, you can include demonstration videos, customer success stories, tutorials, and so on. Video effectively attracts and retains attention, making it more likely that they will choose you, continue to show interest in your business, or simply remember you in the future when they look for what you offer.

Last tips for success

Strategy isn't everything. Although it is a fundamental pillar, marketing is not that simple and therefore has a lot of considerations to keep in mind when looking for new leads or any other objective. Here are all our tips so you can create and implement your B2B campaigns in the best way:

It's essential to deeply understand your business audience

Research their needs, challenges, and objectives to effectively adapt your messages and solutions. By knowing their motivations and concerns, you'll be able to create strategies that resonate and make meaningful connections.

A solid value proposition is essential in B2B campaigns

You must clearly communicate how your products or services solve specific business problems and what unique benefits they can obtain. A well-articulated value proposition will differentiate you in the market and will capture the attention of companies looking for effective solutions.

Precise segmentation of your business audience is crucial to effectively direct your efforts

Divide your potential customers into groups based on their industry, size, location and needs. This will allow you to personalize your messages and approaches, increasing relevance and the likelihood of success.

Relevant content marketing is a pillar in B2B campaigns

Create valuable content that addresses specific business challenges and questions. Provide practical solutions and demonstrate your expertise through articles, case studies and informational guides.

Marketing automation optimizes the efficiency of your campaigns

Use tools to send personalized messages at strategic times, segment your contact list and create automated workflows that guide companies through the buying cycle, all of which will speed up content delivery and increase engagement.

Alignment between sales and marketing is essential

Collaborate closely to define common objectives, share information and establish a constant flow of communication. Integration ensures that teams work together to identify opportunities and effectively close deals.

Define key metrics to measure the success of your campaigns

Establish indicators such as lead generation, conversion rate and return on investment (ROI). Constant monitoring and analysis of these metrics will allow you to adjust your strategies according to actual performance and maximize your results.

A very interesting article to read is that of: How to generate b2b leads on LinkedIn

The optimization process never ends

Regularly analyze the results of your efforts and adjust your approaches based on the feedback and data collected. Continuous improvement ensures that your strategies are aligned with the changing needs of companies and increasing your chances of success.

In B2B campaigns, the focus is on building lasting relationships

Focus your efforts on establishing trust and credibility over time. Maintain constant communication and provide value even after the initial sale, remember that strong relationships are key to fostering loyalty and securing future deals.

Perform a competitive analysis

To understand your position in the market and how you compare with other players in the industry, identifying your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the competition and adjusting your strategies accordingly. Competitive analysis will allow you to highlight and capitalize on your unique advantages.

The field of B2B marketing is constantly evolving

Keep up to date with the latest trends, tools and best practices through continuous training. Participate in conferences, webinars and courses to expand your knowledge.

Business ethics is fundamental to building strong and lasting relationships in the B2B environment

Maintain honesty and transparency in all your interactions. Keep your promises and treat companies with respect and professionalism. Ethics reinforce your reputation and reflect the integrity of your brand.

The technological world is constantly changing, so should you

The impact of change is significant on B2B campaigns, adopt new technologies that can improve the effectiveness of your strategies, such as automation platforms, advanced data analysis and collaboration tools. With this, you will be able to gain a competitive advantage.

Invest in evergreen content

That is, content that remains relevant and valuable over time. This includes fundamental guides, tutorials, and educational resources. Evergreen content will appeal to companies at all stages of the buying cycle and will provide consistent value over time.

Customer feedback is a valuable source of information to improve your campaigns

Listen carefully to feedback from companies that have interacted with you. Use this information to adjust your strategies, improve the customer experience and address areas for improvement.

Consider globalization and diversification in your B2B campaigns

If you are targeting international markets, adapt your messages and strategies according to the needs and characteristics of each region. Globalization allows you to reach a wider and more diverse audience, which can open up new opportunities.


In conclusion, B2B marketing strategies are the backbone for success in today's competitive business world. In a constantly evolving environment, where relationships and trust are essential, the focus on personalization and the delivery of value becomes more crucial than ever. The alignment between sales and marketing, together with the integration of key metrics and continuous optimization, ensures that your strategy is always aligned with changing business objectives.

Investing in long-term relationships and attention to competitive analysis provide you with a sustainable advantage in the market. Although, remember, there is no single approach that works for all situations. Each company is unique and must adapt the above-mentioned strategies to its industry, target audience and business goals. With perseverance, creativity and a constant commitment to improvement, you'll be on the right track to succeed in your efforts to B2B marketing.

If you add to all this the experience and professionalism of Insurgente, you will be able to have everything you need to achieve the success you are looking for. See their service at B2B consulting

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Laura Martínez

Es una destacada especialista en generación de leads B2B, con una formación en Administración de Empresas que complementa su experiencia en el área comercial. Posee un punto de vista muy estratégico, desarrollando campañas efectivas para atraer prospectos altamente calificados. Comparte sus conocimientos y estrategias para el éxito en ventas empresariales.

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