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LinkedIn Ads Forms: Get Quality Leads Like This

LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms have become a fundamental tool for B2B marketing campaigns. The reason? The easy way in which LinkedIn lead generation forms can be set up.

This way, potential customers of your company can download your offer from LinkedIn and become part of your database with just a couple of clicks.

If you want to know how these LinkedIn ads lead generation forms work, we'll answer your questions later.

The reason? The easy way in which LinkedIn lead generation forms can be set up.

This way, potential customers of your company can download your offer from LinkedIn and become part of your database with just a couple of clicks.

If you want to know how these LinkedIn ads lead generation forms work, we'll answer your questions later.

What are LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms?

LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms are a digital marketing tool that allows companies to capture valuable information from users interested in their products or services through advertisements on the LinkedIn platform.

These forms are presented as an option within sponsored ads on LinkedIn and are displayed when a user clicks on the CTA (Call-to-Action) of the ad. Instead of redirecting the user to an external page to fill out a form, LinkedIn Ads forms are filled out directly within the LinkedIn platform itself, providing a faster and seamless user experience.

LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms are highly customizable and allow companies to collect relevant user information, such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, job titles, and more. This information is essential for building a database of qualified leads that can later be nurtured and converted into potential customers.

As a feature within the platform, lead generation forms allow us to automate filling in the fields of our forms to create campaigns.

This feature is available for LinkedIn sponsored content campaigns.

If we use this ad format in LinkedIn Ads, we can direct potential customers to click on our ad to the lead generation form.

Advantages of lead generation forms in LinkedIn Ads

The lead generation forms in LinkedIn Ads are specifically designed to be used from a mobile device, which has gained quite a lot of popularity in the way of marketing on LinkedIn.

This is quite significant, as more than 50% of LinkedIn's traffic comes from mobile devices.

With the lead generation forms in LinkedIn Ads, we can ask users within LinkedIn for more information, without implying a drop in the conversion rate within LinkedIn campaigns.

All we need is to design the best possible experience for potential customers within LinkedIn to be able to fully fill out the lead generation form and to be able to include as much data as we need for LinkedIn ads. All the information is self-filled in from the user profiles; that is, it is not necessary to enter it manually from LinkedIn.

Automate the filling in of fields in LinkedIn Ads forms

The functionality and the ability to automate the way we fill in all the sections, which we find in the quality lead generation forms made available to us by LinkedIn Ads, makes it possible for these forms to be attractive to our potential customers.

Lead generation forms allow us as companies or professionals to collect outstanding data about the target audience of advertising campaigns in a simpler and more active format.

The moment our potential customers react to one of our advertisements on our LinkedIn profile that contains a lead generation form, users access this tool, which is already self-filled with LinkedIn user data. This means that most of the fields are already completed, such as name, position, company and email address.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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What can we do with LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms?

Generate high-quality leads on a large scale within LinkedIn

The advantage of using a tool like LinkedIn Ads is that it allows us to segment our audience to target very specific professional profiles, so we can increase the chances of generating quality leads within LinkedIn.

Demonstrate return on investment in LinkedIn Ads campaigns

LinkedIn lead generation form advertisements make it easy for us to track multiple metrics within LinkedIn, such as the cost per lead, the rate of forms submitted and the number of leads by specific professional segments.

All this data will help us calculate the ROI of LinkedIn Ads campaigns and optimize them to represent a great improvement in our lead generation on LinkedIn.

Easily access and manage leads for LinkedIn campaigns:

We will be able to download the leads generated from the LinkedIn Campaign Manager or integrate them into our marketing automation tool or CRM to continue working with them for the generation of LinkedIn leads.

What are the limitations of LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms?

LinkedIn lead generation forms are a very useful tool for generating high-quality leads.

But let's not get too carried away by appearances. Here are some minor limitations we've found to this LinkedIn feature:

It doesn't solve the problem of quality lead generation forms

Even though we can generate beautifully designed LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms, it doesn't mean that all your problems are solved.

The biggest headache with lead generation forms is usually the poor quality of the forms used on LinkedIn, which tend to perform that leaves a lot to be desired in terms of use.

Traffic within our web domain may be affected

It is possible that many potential LinkedIn customers do not click on the link on our website, which we will leave anchored in the thanks in the LinkedIn campaign.

In this way, it is true that we will have been able to collect information about the leads we have generated with the LinkedIn forms, we will have obtained their email or any other method, but our audience has not seen anything of our products and services that we offer on LinkedIn.

Trick to be able to master LinkedIn forms

There is a trick on the platform that few people know about, and that is that it turns out that LinkedIn Ads allows you to sponsor organic content that you normally publish on LinkedIn Premium, LinkedIn Sales Navigator and /o LinkedIn for companies. One of these contents are surveys.

When you do a survey, this social network gives you a list of all the followers who have participated in it. Once you have that list, you can send a private message to each of the leads who participated in your survey to offer them your services.

Where is the trick?

We can publish a survey and promote it with a LinkedIn ad with a very specific segmentation or a CSV import from the database of our own leads to make those who are our own leads who, mainly, participate in the survey within our professional profile.

Leads will be much more open to listening to your proposal if they already know you from having seen your profile and having seen your sponsored survey within the platform. Once you have engaged in a conversation with the lead, you can offer them a lead magnet (PDF, audio, ebook, etc.) and send them to a lead generation form to get their contact.

Although it seems like a more complex and tedious strategy, it can be very fruitful and productive if you use Waalaxy's automated messaging to send that Lead magnet and open the conversation with those leads that interacted in your survey.

To conclude this article, we want to make it clear that we believe that LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms are a very interesting tool and that they can be very useful on LinkedIn so that companies and professionals can benefit from it, that these tools are worth messing around with.

We encourage different professionals and companies that are dedicated to B2B marketing to try this feature for themselves so that they can decide their best B2B marketing strategy within LinkedIn. We encourage them to analyze performance differences with their other sponsored content campaigns to measure their effectiveness.


In conclusion, LinkedIn Ads forms are a powerful tool for generating quality leads and increasing the success of your advertising campaigns on this professional social network. Thanks to their simple and direct format, these forms allow us to capture relevant information from users effectively and without friction.

By optimizing your forms with strategic questions and offering an attractive incentive, you can attract an audience that is highly interested in your products or services, which translates into more qualified leads that are more likely to become potential customers. In addition, integrating these forms with your contact management tool makes it easier to track and nurture leads, allowing you to establish long-term relationships and generate lifetime customer value.

Always remember to measure and analyze the results of your campaigns to make adjustments and continuous improvements to your forms and advertising strategies. With careful planning and an approach focused on customer satisfaction, LinkedIn Ads forms become a valuable tool for growing your business and achieving success in today's competitive business environment. Don't wait any longer to implement effective forms and boost your lead generation on LinkedIn!

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Juan Ramírez

Es un experto en LinkedIn Ads que ha destacado en el marketing digital con estrategias efectivas para campañas publicitarias en la plataforma. Posee una sólida formación en Marketing y Publicidad, lo que le ha proporcionado los conocimientos necesarios para diseñar campañas altamente exitosas. Tiene un enfoque en segmentación y análisis de datos que lo ha convertido en un referente en el campo.

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