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LinkedIn Guide: What It Is, What It Is For and How It Works

Who hasn't heard of LinkedIn? Without a doubt, in recent years this social network has gained a lot of strength and every day that passes it is becoming more established as a tool and as a market. Learning how it works in depth is crucial for it to become an excellent means of attracting leads and customers.

In the following article you will find all the information you need to get started on LinkedIn and achieve this.

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social network, currently with around 300 million monthly active users. It is specifically designed for professionals and entrepreneurs around the world.

The idea came up in 2003 by Reid Hoffman, who saw a gap in the market for work-profile social networks. Its growth was potential and almost overwhelming, reaching more than 100,000 users in the first year. In 2005, it was decided to make money by introducing 2 lines of business, the subscription to LinkedIn Premium and LinkedIn Jobs.

In these features, LinkedIn offers a space for companies and recruiters to find talent, professionals to keep up to date on the latest trends and industry news, establish collaborations, professional relationships and much more.

What is it for?

Now that you know what LinkedIn is and what its purpose is, you're probably wondering if it really has so many advantages and looking for more reasons to open an account there or pay more attention to what you might already have. If this is the case, keep reading and I'll tell you a little more.

Building a professional network

Creating a professional network on LinkedIn is a valuable strategy for establishing connections, strengthening personal and professional branding and expanding the number of opportunities in a variety of fields. Here are the best practices to achieve this.

  • Create a comprehensive profile: Start by creating a comprehensive and engaging profile that highlights your relevant skills, experience, education and achievements. Use a high-quality profile photo and banner that describes the message you want to convey or your unique value proposition.
  • Connect with relevant people: Find and connect with people who are important to your professional goals. This can include friends, fellow students, industry leaders, recruiters and other professionals who share your interests. Personalize your connection messages and explain to them why you would like to contact them.
  • Participate in groups: Join relevant groups in your industry or field of interest. Participating in discussions and sharing relevant content will allow you to establish your presence.
  • Share quality content: Regularly publish quality content related to your area of expertise. These can be articles, opinions, tips or news. This will help attract the attention of other professionals and generate interactions in your network.
  • Engage: Stay active on LinkedIn. Comment, share, like your network posts. You can also congratulate your connections for their accomplishments or important events. This interaction will help you stay visible on the platform.

It creates a professional network, it takes time and effort. Stay proactive, be authentic and offer real value.

Personal and brand promotion

Personal and brand promotion on LinkedIn can be a very effective strategy to increase the visibility of your profile and highlight your brand. Here are some tips when it comes to doing so.

  • Optimize your profile: Before you start promoting yourself, make sure that your profile is complete with a professional photo, an attractive and clear headline, your skills and achievements, and a detailed description of your work experience. Use keywords in your industry to make it easier to find you.
  • Create high-value content: LinkedIn is an ideal platform for sharing content related to your industry, your areas of interest and your experience. Use this to generate content that adds value, attracts the attention of your network and makes you start to make a presence known.
  • Use multimedia tools: LinkedIn allows you to share multimedia content, such as images, videos and presentations. Take advantage of these tools to create visually appealing content and captivate your audience. You can use images, videos or infographics to highlight data, present products or services.
  • Interact and network: LinkedIn is about establishing solid professional connections: Interact with the content of other professionals, brands, answer questions in groups, leave relevant comments, start conversations, etc. All of this will result in greater credibility and visibility.
  • Endorse skills: Endorse the abilities of other professionals in your network, since they will often return the favor, demonstrating your skills and experience.

Search and apply for jobs

Looking for a job is not usually an easy task or perhaps I should say getting a job rather than looking for it. That's why I share with you the best practices when looking for and applying for jobs through LinkedIn.

  • Set clear objectives: You may think that the more applications you have, the greater your chance of being hired, but the truth is that this is not always the case. In this case, it is very likely that you will only be able to increase your anxiety levels and the number of rejections you receive. It is very important to ask yourself what you want to focus on, what kind of jobs you are looking for, in what area you want to work or for which companies. Grab paper, pen and start writing down what positions you would like to fill, what experience you have in them, what functions you would perform, which companies you would like to provide your services to or work for them, etc. This will help you to reduce the number of jobs to which you apply, increase the quality of your applications and stay in the same direction.
  • Customize the URL: The URL that LinkedIn assigns to you contains a lot of unnecessary letters and numbers that won't help you appear when someone places your name in the search bar. To customize your URL you just have to go to the YO icon and click on edit URL.
  • Skills test: This tool will help you to have a backup when it comes to saying that you are capable of x thing or that you have knowledge about something else. These tests usually have 15 questions, limited time and you must pass with a minimum of 70%. The badge awarded to you upon approval lasts 12 months.
  • Avoid linking LinkedIn with other social networks; The purpose of LinkedIn is purely professional, so any other social network where you interact informally or that simply has nothing to do with your profession you should avoid linking it. This is because in them you may express yourself in a way that is counterproductive to your objectives in this network.
  • #Hashtag: Hashtags are a simple but popular tool that allows us to keep up to date or follow a topic. Some examples of useful hashtags are; #Trabajo, #Opentowork, #Empleo, #Buscotrabajo, #Oportunidadlaboral.
  • #Opentowork: Open to work is also a tape that appears in your profile picture and that manages at a glance to help companies and recruiters to know who are actively looking for employment. Activating it is very simple. First go to View Profile, then under your photo click on the button I'm interested, then choose between Look for a new job or Search for staff. Once you have done this you can click on the box Show the selection technicians and control who can see it, you can choose if you want all members to see it (even those of your current company) or if you want only selection technicians to see it. To finish, click start.
  • Make yourself accessible: Often people access LinkedIn profiles to get information, but they have no real interest in contacting each other through that network, it is important that your profile includes other means of contact such as your email or your telephone number. Alternatively, you can also contact the recruiters. Write a message summarizing your professional profile, your interest in their company and invite them to a video call.

Capturing potential customers for your company

Capturing potential customers through LinkedIn can be an effective strategy, according to a survey conducted by HubSpot, LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Instagram. Sounds tempting, right? Here are some key points when it comes to attracting potential customers on LinkedIn

  • Make sure you know who you want to reach, consider things like industry, position, geographic location, trends, and remember that your efforts should be focused on people who are really interested in what you offer. Before starting the search for potential customers, it's essential to clearly define who you would like to reach. LinkedIn offers a wide range of segmentation options, such as location, industry, job title, level of experience, and more. By narrowing down your target audience, you'll be able to focus your efforts more effectively and increase your chances of success.
  • Create content that provides value, that generates a reaction in those it reaches and that manages to keep you present and visible. This way, you'll get those who see your proposals, even if they don't need them at the time, to think about your company when they do. Publish articles, infographics, videos, or any other format that suits your industry and audience. It provides valuable information, useful tips, and solutions to common problems. This will help you position yourself as an expert in your field and will attract the attention of potential customers interested in your services or products.
  • Use the advanced search function to find people and companies using specific criteria. This feature allows you to search by industry, job title, location and more filters. Once you find relevant profiles, send personalized messages to establish contact and explore potential opportunities.
  • Advertising campaigns. Create advertising campaigns aimed at the target audience established above. This will ensure you have a greater chance of generating quality leads.
  • Optimize your profile and company page: Before starting any customer acquisition strategy on LinkedIn, it's essential to ensure that your profile and company page are well optimized with a professional profile picture, a compelling summary highlighting your relevant skills and achievements. For the company page, make sure the description is clear, includes keywords, and provides valuable information about your business.
  • Participate in groups and communities: LinkedIn groups and communities are spaces where professionals with similar interests interact and share information. Be part of them, be an active participant, comment, start discussions, publish polls. Your participation will allow you to establish yourself as a reference and make yourself known.
  • Establish genuine relationships: When you find potential customers on LinkedIn, it's important to establish genuine relationships rather than directly addressing them with a sale. Send personalized messages, show interest in your work or accomplishments, and seek to establish a meaningful conversation. Building strong long-term relationships is critical to successful customer acquisition.

How does LinkedIn work? Step by Step

Step 1: Account Registration

The first step in using LinkedIn is to register on the platform. Users must provide a valid email address and create a secure password. Once the registration is complete, you can access LinkedIn.

After logging in, it's important to create a full professional profile. This includes adding a professional profile photo, providing accurate and up-to-date information about work experience, relevant achievements, education, etc. In addition, a summary can be written that highlights professional strengths and objectives.

Step 2: Generating Connections

What we are looking for is to establish a solid network, so users can search and connect with colleagues, friends, study colleagues and people related to their professional field. In addition, advanced search tools can be used to find relevant contacts in the industry or sector of interest.

Step 3: Search for job opportunities

This network offers a wide range of job opportunities. Users can search for jobs using filters such as location, sector, level of experience, and others. In addition, you can follow companies to receive updates on new job offers. They can also join groups related to areas of interest and participate in discussions about employment and professional development.

Step 4: Community Involvement

An essential part of LinkedIn is active participation in the community. Users can share relevant posts, articles, or links on professional topics to establish their authority and reputation in their field. You can also comment on and share content from other users, participate in discussion groups and send direct messages to establish professional connections. In addition, users can request recommendations from colleagues, bosses, or previous customers to support their experience and skills. These recommendations help build a strong and trustworthy reputation on LinkedIn. In addition, skill validations can be obtained from professional contacts, increasing the credibility of the profile.

Step 5: Take advantage of additional features

LinkedIn offers the possibility to publish relevant presentations, projects or documents in the profile, follow companies to keep up to date, use the news section to keep up to date with industry news, and participate in events and virtual conferences to expand the network of contacts.

Step 6: Interaction with relevant content

On this platform you can share articles, news and content relevant to professional development. Users can interact with this content through comments, likes and shares. In addition, you can take advantage of the hashtag tracking feature to keep up to date with topics of interest and participate in relevant discussions.

Step 7: Networking and Continuing Professional Development

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and ongoing professional development. Users can participate in events, conferences, and webinars relevant to their field. In addition, they can join discussion groups, participate in debates and follow influencers and industry experts to keep abreast of the latest trends and opportunities for professional growth.

LinkedIn Trends, Opportunities, and Tips

Like any social network, LinkedIn has changing trends and a market full of opportunities, here are some of them.

Networking and professional connections

LinkedIn is known for being a powerful networking tool. It allows you to establish valuable connections with professionals from diverse industries and levels of experience. The platform provides an opportunity to interact with thought leaders, subject matter experts, and potential colleagues. By building and nurturing a strong network of contacts, opportunities for collaboration, mentoring, and potential customers can be discovered.

Job search and offer

Both professionals looking for new opportunities and companies looking for talent can take advantage of LinkedIn's advanced search features. Candidates can search for jobs based on their experience, location and preferences, while companies can post vacancies and access detailed profiles of potential candidates. This feature streamlines the hiring process and increases the chances of finding the perfect fit.

Professional Development and Learning

With the LinkedIn Learning feature, users have access to a wide range of online courses taught by experts in various disciplines. This allows you to acquire new skills, keep up to date with emerging trends and technologies, and improve employability. In addition, users can join groups and participate in thematic discussions to exchange knowledge and experience with like-minded professionals.

Lead Generation and Business Development

Through an appropriate content marketing strategy and the effective use of the advanced search function, companies can identify and connect with potential customers more precisely. In addition, the platform allows you to create an optimized company page, share relevant content and participate in industry-related groups.

Personal and company branding

LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to build strong personal and company branding. Through the creation and sharing of relevant content, professionals and companies can stand out as thought leaders in their respective industries. This helps strengthen reputation, attract followers and establish valuable connections. Strong branding drives company growth and increases opportunities for collaboration and strategic partnerships.

Content in video format

Video content has become a dominant trend on LinkedIn and most social networks. Users are increasingly adopting this form of visual communication to share information, present ideas and establish connections. Video allows for a greater emotional connection, transmits messages effectively and attracts the attention of users in a digital world saturated with information.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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LinkedIn Stories

Following the trend popularized by other social networks, LinkedIn has implemented “Stories¨. This feature allows you to share content that disappears after 24 hours. LinkedIn stories provide a more informal way for users to share quick, behind-the-scenes updates of their work, professional advice, and more. This trend reflects the growing demand for a more personal and human approach to online interactions.

User-generated content

Many professionals are sharing their own experiences, perspectives and knowledge to generate meaningful conversations. This trend reinforces the importance of authenticity and personal voice on the platform. User-generated content is also valued for its ability to establish more genuine and authentic connections between professionals.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are increasingly important issues in society and the world of work. LinkedIn has responded to this trend by providing tools and resources to promote diversity in companies. Companies can share updates on their diversity efforts, post jobs with a focus on inclusion, and participate in conversations related to these issues. This trend reflects the growing awareness and commitment of companies and professionals to build more equitable and representative work environments.

Rise of online learning

Online learning has experienced significant growth in recent years, and LinkedIn has not fallen behind in this trend. LinkedIn Learning, an integrated platform within LinkedIn, offers a wide range of online courses for professional development. Users can access courses taught by experts in various fields, improve their skills and keep up to date with the latest trends. This trend reflects the demand for continuous and accessible learning for professional growth.

Here are 5 extra tips

  • If necessary When using LinkedIn, having clear objectives is essential, make sure you know your objectives, your value proposition and your target audience.
  • The value of content Nowadays we all receive a continuous bombardment of content, varied, extensive and continuous. Make sure that the content you're creating and sharing has real value, is long-lasting and attractive to the user.
  • Interact Comment, recommend, give I like it or share the content you consider relevant, participate in groups, start conversations.
  • Share your accomplishments and let your network know that you are still growing and moving forward.
  • Multimedia options LinkedIn allows you to add video links, reels, visual projects, highlights your creativity.

How to generate business and attract potential customers through LinkedIn?

As mentioned before, LinkedIn is a powerful tool if you know how to use it well, it can help us generate quality leads, find business opportunities, create professional relationships, collaborations and help us establish a brand. To achieve all this, you have to be very clear about what you are doing, how you are doing it and why you are doing it, nothing can be done by itself. An efficient way to generate business and capture leads is to take into account key points and to know in depth the tools that LinkedIn provides us.

Optimize your profile and company page so that it's complete

  • Profile photo: Use a clear, professional photo where you can clearly see your face, your company logo, or whatever promotional image you want.
  • Professional title: Use a descriptive title that clearly reflects your area of expertise, your products or your services.
  • Excerpt: Write an attractive excerpt that highlights your accomplishments, abilities, and professional goals.
  • Skills: List your key skills and ask for recommendations to support them from colleagues and former employers.

If you have a company page, provide a clear description of it, including the products or services it offers and outstanding achievements. Regularly update the page with relevant content, such as company updates, product or service announcements, and blog articles. This will keep your followers informed and engaged, in addition to optimizing the SEO on LinkedIn.

Be clear about your target audience and your strategy

Before you start using LinkedIn as part of your marketing strategy, it's essential to research and understand your target audience.

Consider the following aspects:

  • Industry: Identify the industries relevant to your business and analyze the specific trends and challenges they face.
  • Roles and functions: Define the professional roles and functions that are most likely to use your products or services.
  • Geographic location: Determine the geographical location of your target audience and consider if your offer has geographical restrictions.
  • Demography: Examine key demographics, such as age, gender, educational level, and socioeconomic position.

Then use the data obtained and create a buyer profile. This will help you better visualize and understand your target audience. It includes aspects such as your needs, objectives, challenges and communication preferences. Then keep track and analyze your activities on LinkedIn on a regular basis. Use the platform's analytics tools to evaluate the performance of your posts, ads, and connections. Adjust your strategy based on the results obtained and look for opportunities for improvement.

Relevant keywords

Research the keywords that are most relevant to your industry and function. Use these keywords in your professional title, excerpt, and descriptions of work experience to improve your visibility in related searches.

Search for relevant references and contacts

Identify influential people and opinion leaders in your industry and look for opportunities to connect with them. Follow their profiles, comment on their posts and send personalized connection requests. This will allow you to keep abreast of the latest industry trends and establish relationships with key professionals.

Build a strong and relevant network

Before you start building your network, make sure you have a complete and professional profile as mentioned in the first part of this section. Start by building your network with current and former colleagues and co-workers. Look for people who have had a positive impact on your career and request a personalized connection. By connecting with people you already know, you'll be building a strong foundation for your network and establishing valuable relationships.

Join groups and communities

LinkedIn offers a wide variety of groups and communities focused on different topics and sectors. Find groups relevant to your industry and join them. Take an active part in discussions, share your knowledge and make important connections with other members of the group. This will help you expand your network and build meaningful relationships with like-minded professionals.

Take an active part in the platform

To build a strong network, it's essential to actively participate in LinkedIn. Share relevant and quality content, post professional updates, comment on other people's posts, and congratulate your contacts on their accomplishments. This will help you to maintain a visible and attractive profile, and to establish stronger relationships with other professionals.

Add your personality to connection requests

When sending connection requests, avoid the generic approach and personalize your messages. Mention why you're interested in connecting with that particular person and how you can add value to each other. A personalized connection request shows genuine interest and increases the chances of acceptance.

Offer and seek recommendations

Recommendations can strengthen your profile and build your credibility on LinkedIn. Give recommendations to colleagues and co-workers who have had a positive impact on your career, and ask for recommendations from those you've worked with in the past. Authentic recommendations can support your skills and experience, and attract the attention of other professionals.

Maintain contact and relationship

Once you've established a connection, it's important to maintain contact and cultivate the relationship. Congratulate your contacts on their accomplishments, send them occasional messages to maintain communication, and offer your help when possible. Maintaining an active and mutually beneficial relationship will allow you to strengthen your network over time. Show your personality and unique voice in your content. Don't be afraid to be authentic and share your personal experiences. Authenticity helps establish a stronger connection with your audience and build genuine relationships on LinkedIn.

After someone accepts your connection request, send a personalized greeting or thank you message. You can mention something specific from their profile or start a conversation about a relevant topic.

Offers help and resources

When you see that a contact needs help or has a question related to your area of expertise, offer them your help. Share relevant resources or provide useful information. This demonstrates your experience and willingness to help, which is valuable for building strong and trusting relationships. If you had a meeting or met someone at an event, be sure to follow up afterwards. Send a message thanking you for the meeting and reaffirming your interest in maintaining the connection. You can offer to share additional resources or set up a follow-up call to continue the conversation.

Remember and celebrate important dates

Keep track of your contacts' important dates, such as their birthday or work anniversary. Send a congratulatory message or a personalized message to celebrate these dates. This shows attention and consideration, and helps strengthen ties with your contacts.

Identify important issues

Identify topics that are relevant to your audience and that are related to your area of expertise. You can do this by researching trends in your industry, following conversations in LinkedIn groups, and observing what other successful professionals are sharing. Share relevant and valuable content for the audience you defined as a target audience. It is essential to know what they are looking for, what their frustrations are and what content they most tend to interact with. Knowing all this will help you create content that will truly make a difference and make you stand up.

Use different formats

Vary the content formats you use to keep your audience engaged. You can share text posts, images, infographics, videos, or even presentations. Experiment with different formats and see what type of content generates the most response from your audience.

Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags are an effective way to increase the visibility of your content on LinkedIn. Research and use relevant hashtags that are related to your topics and that are popular in your industry. This will help your content be discovered by people interested in those topics.

Measure and adjust

Keep track of the metrics of your posts and evaluate what type of content generates the most engagement and response from your audience. Adjust your strategy based on the results obtained. Pay attention to the most popular topics, preferred content formats, and most effective posting times.

Advanced search

LinkedIn's advanced search allows you to use a variety of filters to refine your searches and find more relevant connections. Some of the most useful filters include:

  • Keywords: You can enter keywords related to your search, such as skills, job titles, or company names.
  • Location: You can filter your results by geographic location, which is useful if you're looking for connections in a specific city or region.
  • Relationship: You can search through your first, second, or third degree contacts, or even search outside your existing network.
  • Sector: You can filter your results by sector or industry, which is useful if you're looking for connections in a particular industry.
  • Use Boolean operators: LinkedIn also supports the use of Boolean operators in advanced search. You can use operators such as Not, are or Not to further refine your searches. For example, you can search “marketing AND manager” to find profiles that include both the words “marketing” like “manager”. You can then save your search by clicking “Save Search” at the top right of the results. This will allow you to quickly access your saved searches from the LinkedIn home page. Once you've performed a search, you can customize your results even more using the filters available in the left column of the results page. You can filter the results by connection, location, company, industry, and more. Finally, examine the profiles that appear in your search results. Click on the profiles that interest you to learn more about people and see if they're relevant to your networking or recruitment goals.

LinkedIn's advanced search is a powerful tool, but it can take time to refine your searches and get the results you want. Don't hesitate to refine and repeat your searches as many times as necessary.

Create advertising campaigns with clear objectives

Before starting an advertising campaign on LinkedIn either, what is LinkedIn for companies, LinkedIn Sales Navigator and/or LinkedIn Premium, it's important to set your goals clearly. Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads or promote a specific product? By defining your objectives, you'll be able to design a more effective advertising strategy.

Influencer marketing

Collaboration with top voice influencers and opinion leaders on LinkedIn has become a growing trend to increase visibility and build trust in the audience. Nowadays, the persuasive capacity of social media referents, the genuineness they can transmit, the reach of their content and the capacity that they resemble those who follow them make it a powerful advertising medium.

Segment your audience

LinkedIn offers detailed segmentation options that allow you to reach your target audience precisely. You can segment your audience by demographics (such as location, age, gender), job title, industry, company size, and more. Use these filters to reach the right people and maximize the impact of your campaign.

Choose the right ad format

LinkedIn offers several ad formats, including text ads, image ads, video ads, and carousel ads. Each format has its own advantages and features. Consider the type of content you want to promote and the message you want to convey to choose the most appropriate ad format.

Create relevant and engaging content

The content of your ads must be relevant, engaging and persuasive. Highlight the benefits of your product or service, use clear calls to action, and make sure the message is consistent with your brand. Use high-quality images or videos that capture the attention of your audience.

Define your schedule and budget

Define the budget you're willing to invest in your LinkedIn advertising campaign. You can set a daily budget or a total budget for the campaign. In addition, set a calendar for your campaign, with a specific start and end date, as well as its duration.

Monitor and optimize your ads

Once your campaign is up and running, it's important to monitor and adjust your ads based on results and metrics. Use LinkedIn analytics tools to track the performance of your ads and optimize them based on key metrics, such as impressions, clicks and conversions.

Perform A/B tests

A/B testing allows you to test different versions of your ads to determine which variant works best. Experiment with creating images, calls to action, headlines and messages to optimize your ads and their effectiveness.

Track conversions

Set up conversion tracking on LinkedIn to measure the direct impact of your ads on the actions you want your users to take, such as filling out a form or downloading a resource. This will allow you to evaluate the return on investment of your campaigns and make adjustments based on the results obtained.

If you are interested in knowing specifically How to use LinkedIn to sell I recommend that you take a look at these articles and in which case you want to hire a service that solves this task you can count on the LinkedIn Ads Agency of Insurgente Solutions

Take advantage of other LinkedIn tools

LinkedIn offers additional tools, such as retargeting and promoting sponsored content, that you can use to maximize the reach and effectiveness of your advertising campaigns


To conclude with this article, we can agree that LinkedIn offers a series of significant advantages both as a professional tool and as a lead search tool. It's a continuously growing market where you can establish a solid network and find truly unique opportunities. Beyond that, the quality of potential customers and collaborative projects are excellent, this platform provides the opportunity to boost a career or a company to the same extent. Making the most of its features and functions can lead to success and growth.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Juan Ramírez

Es un experto en LinkedIn Ads que ha destacado en el marketing digital con estrategias efectivas para campañas publicitarias en la plataforma. Posee una sólida formación en Marketing y Publicidad, lo que le ha proporcionado los conocimientos necesarios para diseñar campañas altamente exitosas. Tiene un enfoque en segmentación y análisis de datos que lo ha convertido en un referente en el campo.

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