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LinkedIn for Companies: What it is and how it works - Guide 2023

In today's digital age, there's no question that social networks play a fundamental role in the success of any organization. Among all the available platforms, LinkedIn stands out as the main destination for establishing professional connections, boosting the brand and opening up new business opportunities.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how companies can make the most of LinkedIn to build a strong presence and achieve their business goals. In addition, we'll explore the different features that LinkedIn offers for companies. We'll discover how to build and maintain a strong network of contacts, how to use groups and communities to establish relationships, and how to make the most of the content publishing tool to increase brand visibility and credibility.

What is LinkedIn for companies?

LinkedIn for companies is the version specifically designed to meet the needs of organizations and brands. It provides organizations with a variety of unique features and tools that allow them to build and maintain a professional and attractive presence on the platform. By creating a business profile, companies can share key information about their company, such as their history, mission, vision, products or services offered, location, company size, and more.

LinkedIn for business allows organizations to connect with relevant professionals and establish valuable relationships. Companies can expand their network of contacts by finding and connecting with current and former employees, business partners, suppliers, customers and other key players in their industry.


LinkedIn for businesses offers a number of key benefits for organizations. Here are some of them:

1.Establish a presence: LinkedIn is widely recognized as a professional and reliable platform. By having a business profile on LinkedIn, companies can establish a strong online presence and improve their brand image to professionals, business partners and potential customers.

2. Relevant connections and networking: LinkedIn allows you to connect with important professionals in your industry. These connections can generate opportunities for collaboration, lead generation, strategic alliances and talent acquisition.

3. Lead generation and business opportunities: Through this platform, you can effectively identify and connect with potential customers. By searching for and segmenting specific audiences, organizations can reach the right people, significantly increasing the chances of generating leads and closing deals.

Learn how to connect with customers by reading the article: How to get leads on LinkedIn And if you don't know how to make leads you also have the article How to generate b2b leads on LinkedIn

4. Brand promotion and increased visibility: Companies can effectively promote their brand through the publication of relevant and quality content. This helps to increase the company's visibility and to strengthen its credibility and recognition in the industry.

5. Talent recruitment: This platform is a powerful tool for hiring and recruiting talent. Companies can use the platform to post job offers, search for qualified candidates and evaluate professional profiles, allowing them to attract and hire the best talent in their industry.

6. Market information and knowledge: LinkedIn offers a wealth of valuable content in the form of posts, articles, groups, and discussions. Companies can take advantage of this information to keep up to date on industry trends, gain market insights and improve their business strategies.

7. Advertising and marketing options: LinkedIn offers advertising and marketing options for companies, allowing them to promote their products, services or events effectively. These options include accurate audience segmentation, sponsored campaigns, and analytics tools to measure and optimize performance.

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How does LinkedIn for companies work?

  1. Company pages: Companies can create a company page on LinkedIn, which serves as their official profile on the platform. This page will be the company's image center, where you can share, create, publish content. Company pages are tools for getting closer to consumers, other companies or potential collaborators. It is important that it reflects the brand's identity, values and mission that the company has.
  2. Publications and content: Like any social platform on LinkedIn, companies can share content related to their industry, their activity or the general area in which they are located. The content that is shared helps to build an online presence, a brand identity and positioning as a reference. The type of content that can be shared is varied, including images, presentations, videos, stories, polls, etc.
  3. Follower network: The network of LinkedIn followers refers to the group of users who have chosen to follow a company page on the platform. These followers show interest in the company and want to receive updates and relevant content from it. This is a useful tool for loyalty and close contact with potential customers. It is very important that when working to create a network of followers, keep the focus on those who show interest in the page, be clear about what it is, what the offer is and know the brand.
  4. Publicity: LinkedIn offers targeted advertising options for businesses. You can segment your ads based on criteria such as geographic location, industry, job title, skills, and more. This helps you direct your messages to the right people and get better results, whether in terms of capturing leads, interactions, etc.
  5. Groups and communities: LinkedIn groups and communities provide additional space for companies to connect with like-minded professionals, share knowledge, establish business relationships and promote their brand. By actively participating in these groups and communities, you can take advantage of the networking and collaboration opportunities that LinkedIn provides.
  6. Recruitment: This platform can also be used to post job offers, search for qualified candidates and connect with them directly. In addition, you can also use LinkedIn to research and evaluate potential candidates before starting the hiring process.
  7. Statistics and analysis: LinkedIn's analytics tools allow you to track the performance of your company page, the reach of your posts, and user interaction. This data helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and adjust them as needed. In addition, it facilitates the work of maintaining a historical database for analysis based on times of the year or campaigns carried out in the past.
  8. Participation in events: Participation in events on LinkedIn is an effective strategy for the growth and promotion of the company. I make it possible to make updates in real time about what is happening at the event, sharing photos and videos, encouraging the participation of attendees through questions, surveys or question and answer sessions, as a result, generating direct interactions with the company, making themselves known and being able to be kept in the memory of those who were there.

How to register on LinkedIn for companies?

Step 1: Access LinkedIn

Go to the website of LinkedIn and click the “Join Now” or “Sign Up” button on the main page.

Step 2: Complete the basic information

Enter your corporate email address and a secure password. Make sure you use an email address that is directly related to your company and not a personal account.

Step 3: Select the type of account

Next, select the “Create a company page” option and provide the name of your company.

Step 4: Fill in the details of the company page

Then, you'll need to fill in some details about your business, such as your website URL, company size, type of industry, and location. You'll also need to verify that you're an authorized representative of the company.

Step 5: Describe your company

Add a concise, yet complete description of your business. Highlight the products or services you offer, your mission and the aspects that differentiate you in the market.

Step 6: Add a profile picture and cover

Choose a profile image that represents your company, such as the company logo. Then, select a cover image that reflects your brand's visual identity.

Step 7: Publish your company page

Carefully review all the information you've provided and, once you're happy with the details, click the “Publish Page” button to make your company page visible to other LinkedIn users.

Step 8: Customize the page

Once your page is published, take some time to customize it even more. Add posts, share relevant content, and update regularly to keep it active and engaging for your followers.

LinkedIn Tips for Businesses

  1. Complete and optimize your company profile: Make sure you have a complete company page with a clear and concise description of your business, an attractive cover image and logo. Use relevant keywords to make it easier for them to find you. Your profile is the first look that potential customers have of your company, it's the first place they see when they start researching, make sure it reflects the values you want to convey and that the value proposition is clear.
  2. Post relevant and useful content: Share regular updates that are valuable to your audience, such as industry news, blog articles, case studies, infographics, and useful tips. Keep your focus on delivering value, not just promoting your products or services. Nobody likes to know that they are selling something, nowadays consumers have access to a lot more information than they did a few years ago, sharing relevant information will make you connect with your audience in a more genuine way.
  3. Engage with your followers: Respond to comments and messages in a timely and friendly manner. Genuine interaction shows that you care about your community and are willing to connect with them. Nowadays, personalization makes a lot of difference, people like to know that it matters, that they are heard and that their opinion is important, interacting with the network will make them feel that way.
  4. Use multimedia: Take advantage of the publication feature with images, videos or attached documents. Multimedia content tends to generate more participation and be shared more frequently, thus generating a greater possibility of leads and greater reach.
  5. Create a relevant network: Connect with people who are related to your industry, potential customers, suppliers and other business partners. Avoid sending mass unpersonalized invitations, and instead, send short, personalized messages when connecting.
  6. Participate in groups and communities: Join relevant groups in your industry or topic and actively participate in conversations. This will help you establish your authority in the field, generate new connections, connect with like-minded professionals, establish business relationships and expand your network in general. It multiplies opportunities and capacity for expansion.
  7. Employees as brand ambassadors: Consider establishing a formal brand ambassador program, where employees who are interested and committed to promoting the company on LinkedIn can participate. It provides special incentives and recognition to these ambassadors, such as outstanding mentions, access to exclusive events or training programs.
  8. Targeted advertising: Consider using LinkedIn advertising to reach a specific audience based on demographics, interests, or job functions. In addition, try to identify and connect with relevant influencers in your industry. Collaborating with them on joint content or campaigns can help you expand your reach and gain credibility.
  9. Analyze and adjust your strategy: Use LinkedIn's analytics tools to evaluate the performance of your posts and the engagement of your audience. This will help you understand what strategies work best and adjust your actions accordingly. These tools will make your efforts effective and efficient, maximizing results and minimizing costs.
  10. Take part in events and webinars: Participating or organizing events and webinars on LinkedIn for companies is an effective strategy to increase the visibility of your company, establish your experience and connect with like-minded professionals. These instances are opportunities to expand your network of contacts, generate leads and strengthen your company's reputation in the professional community.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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What to post on LinkedIn as a company?

As a company, it is very important that the content you create and share is relevant to your industry, that it is in line with the values of the company, that it generates something in those it is aimed at, but above all that it contributes. It is essential to create content that provides real value and that attracts the attention of your audience, here are some ideas.

  1. Company updates and news: Share updates on your company's relevant events, achievements, news, and releases. This will help keep your audience informed about what's happening in your organization.
  2. Educational and advice: Publish educational content related to your industry, such as articles, infographics or videos that provide practical advice, trends or market analysis. This will position your company as a reliable source of knowledge and experience.
  3. Customer Success Stories: Share success stories and testimonials from your satisfied customers. Highlight how your products or services have had a positive impact on their business. This will help strengthen trust in your brand and attract potential customers.
  4. Employee posts: Encourage your employees to share relevant content on their LinkedIn profiles and tag your company. This may include their work experiences, projects they are working on, or reflections on the industry. This will showcase your company's talent and humanize your brand.
  5. Multimedia content: Use images, videos and presentations to capture the attention of your audience. Visual content tends to be more engaging and shareable.
  6. Participation in trends and events: Stay on top of relevant trends and events in your industry and participate in conversations. Comment on and share related content, provide your unique perspective, and encourage interaction with other professionals.
  7. Job postings: Use LinkedIn to post employment opportunities in your company. Clearly describe the roles and responsibilities, and highlight the attractive aspects of working in your organization. This will help you attract qualified and committed talent.
  8. Content curation: It's not always necessary to create original content. You can share relevant content from trusted sources in your industry, such as articles, case studies, research, or interesting news. Make sure you provide adequate credit to the original authors.
  9. Surveys and questions: Conduct surveys or ask questions to your audience to get their opinion or feedback on relevant topics. This will encourage participation and engagement, and will allow you to gain valuable information about the needs and preferences of your followers.

LinkedIn Strategies for Companies

There are several effective strategies you can use on LinkedIn to promote your brand, establish business connections, and achieve your business goals. Here are some examples.

Content Strategy

  1. An effective content strategy involves creating and distributing important and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. For this purpose, there are some guidelines:
  2. Define your objectives: Before you begin, set your clear business objectives. Being clear about your objectives will help you shape your content strategy.
  3. Know your audience: Research your audience, identify their needs, interests and challenges. This will allow you to customize the content to meet their demands and keep them engaged.
  4. Adapting the content to the right format helps capture the attention of your audience, the content can be articles, videos, infographics, presentations and more.
  5. Provide educational and valuable content that solves problems or provides practical advice to your audience. Share knowledge and experience to establish your authority in the field and gain the trust of your audience.
  6. Incorporate storytelling into your content strategy to capture attention and generate emotional connections with your audience.
  7. CTAs help encourage participation and guide users to the next desired action, whether it's encouraging readers to comment, share, visit your website, download a resource, or register for an event.
  8. Establish a publishing schedule to maintain a regular presence on LinkedIn. Consistency is key to maintaining the interest and participation of your audience.
  9. Don't just publish your content on your company page. Promote it through other platforms, such as your website, newsletters, social media, and emails.

Strategic Networking

Strategic networking is an effective way to establish valuable business connections, strengthen your brand and expand your professional network. But, you have to know how to do it well and, like everything else, maintain a clear objective. Also, remember that strategic networking on LinkedIn is a long-term process. It's not just about adding connections, but about building meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships. Dedicate time and effort. Here I'll tell you a little more about what to consider when networking.

  1. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is complete and well optimized.
  2. Instead of sending generic connection requests, customize each request. Mention why you're interested in connecting and how you can bring mutual value. Refer to common interests, events, or shared groups to establish a meaningful connection.
  3. When you connect with other professionals, maintain authentic and personalized communication. Interact with their posts, send messages to congratulate them on their accomplishments, or share relevant ideas. Look for opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge.
  4. Once you've established a connection, don't forget to follow up regularly. Share relevant content, send messages from time to time to keep in touch, and look for opportunities for collaboration or mutual recommendations.
  5. Participating in events and webinars will provide you with the opportunity to establish your experience, connect with other professionals and expand your network of contacts.
  6. Look for ways to provide value to your connections. Share useful content, introduce relevant people, and offer valuable advice or resources. By being generous and supporting others, you'll strengthen your long-term professional relationships.
  7. Always maintain a professional and respectful attitude in your interactions. Avoid unsolicited or overly promotional messages.


Participation in relevant groups on LinkedIn is an effective strategy for companies that want to establish connections, expand their network and strengthen their presence on the platform. Here are some guidelines for using this strategy.

  1. Look for groups that are relevant to your industry, geographic area, or business interests. You can use the LinkedIn search function to find specific groups or explore the suggestions provided by the platform.
  2. Before joining a group, evaluate its quality and activity. Look at the number of members, the frequency of posts, and overall participation. Choose active and engaged groups where you can interact and establish meaningful relationships.
  3. Don't just share content, but also start and participate in relevant conversations in groups. Respond to other members' posts, offer your perspective, ask questions and share your experience. This will help you establish yourself as a thought leader and generate meaningful interactions.
  4. While it's important to promote your company, avoid excessive self-promotion in groups. Instead, frame your promotion within the context of a relevant conversation or when specifically requested. Focus on delivering value and building relationships rather than selling directly.
  5. Participating in groups isn't just about sharing your knowledge, but also about listening to and learning from others. Keep an open mind and take the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, learn from their experience and expand your knowledge in your industry.
  6. Take advantage of participation in groups to establish meaningful professional relationships.
  7. Maintain regular and consistent participation to maintain your visibility and build long-term relationships.

Whatever strategy you decide to use, remember that it must be adaptable and with a defined objective. LinkedIn offers analysis tools that allow you to measure and evaluate the performance of your activities on the platform. When using LinkedIn's analytics tools, it's important to consider your business objectives and define the key metrics you want to track. This will allow you to effectively evaluate performance and make informed decisions to optimize your presence on the platform. Don't forget to regularly track your metrics, evaluate results, and adjust your strategy as needed to achieve your business objectives.

Challenges and complications you may have

When a company uses LinkedIn for business, several complications and challenges can arise. Here are some potential obstacles you might face and how to address them:

  1. Competence in care: LinkedIn is a platform with millions of active users and companies. This means that your company may face significant competition for user attention. To overcome this, it's important to develop a solid content strategy, deliver quality content, and differentiate yourself by showcasing your experience and unique value proposition.
  2. Maintain active participation: One of the keys to success on LinkedIn is maintaining active and consistent participation. However, this can be a challenge for companies that lack the resources or time needed to dedicate to the platform. One solution is to set up a publishing schedule and automate some tasks, such as scheduling posts, to maintain a consistent presence without being overwhelmed.
  3. Generate interaction and participation: Getting meaningful interactions on LinkedIn can be a challenge. Not every post will receive a large number of like, comments or shares. To encourage participation, be sure to share relevant content, ask questions, respond to comments, and actively participate in groups and conversations. In addition, it interacts with other relevant publications and supports other professionals on the platform.
  4. Reputation Management: LinkedIn is a public platform and any error or controversy can have an impact on your company's reputation. It's important to actively monitor and manage your company's reputation on LinkedIn. Respond quickly to user comments or questions, handle any negative situation professionally, and maintain a positive and authentic presence.
  5. Resource limitations: If your company has limited resources, it can be challenging to maintain a strong LinkedIn strategy. To overcome this, prioritize the activities that generate the most impact, such as creating relevant content and participating in relevant groups. Consider seeking collaborations with influencers or employees as brand ambassadors to expand your reach without incurring large costs.
  6. Measuring results: Measuring the impact and results of your efforts on LinkedIn can be complicated if you don't have the right tools or don't know how to analyze the available data. Take advantage of LinkedIn's analytics tools to monitor key metrics such as reach, engagement, and lead generation. This will provide you with valuable information to evaluate performance and make adjustments to your strategy as needed.

Addressing these challenges requires time, effort and a strategic approach. Setting realistic expectations, keeping up to date with best practices, and learning from experience will help you overcome these complications and get the most out of LinkedIn for business.

Are you looking for them to manage your company on LinkedIn?

Surely when you read all this information about how to have and maintain an efficient, relevant and effective company page on LinkedIn, you questioned hiring an outsourced network management service. There are companies that, seeing the potential that LinkedIn has, specialize in managing business profiles for other companies, guaranteeing results and maintaining a brand image. One of those companies is Insurgente, the LinkedIn Ads agency , experts in the strategic management of company profiles in LinkedIn Premium to boost visibility, generate business opportunities and strengthen your brand. This company is made up of a team of highly trained professionals who will be responsible for optimizing and managing your company profile on LinkedIn, using best practices and proven strategies, helping you stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of your target audience.

There are many reasons to choose Insurgente, for example, they have a team of experts in LinkedIn who have a deep understanding of the platform and its unique features. They have experience developing effective and relevant content strategies, sharing quality content, such as publications, articles, infographics and videos, generating interest and participation among followers.

Having a company that is dedicated exclusively to working and optimizing your company profile will allow you to invest the time that is available to you in creating new products or services, making improvements, training your team, basically increasing the value of your offer.

Insurgente has advanced lead generation techniques on LinkedIn to attract qualified potential customers. They can identify and connect with relevant professionals and companies in your industry, establishing valuable relationships that can lead to tangible business opportunities. Based on the performance you see, they will thoroughly track your metrics and results. They will use advanced analysis tools to evaluate the performance of your posts, the growth of your network and the interaction of your followers. This data will allow the strategy to be continuously adjusted and optimized to obtain the best possible results.

Without a doubt, Insurgente is an excellent option if you are looking to boost your presence on LinkedIn by taking your company to the next level. If you still have questions or want to know more about them, you can visit their website here.


LinkedIn for companies is a powerful tool that provides organizations with the opportunity to establish a strong presence in the digital environment and expand their business reach. However, effectively managing a company page on LinkedIn can be overwhelming and time consuming. Therefore, having a company specialized in managing company pages on LinkedIn can be a valuable investment for organizations that want to make the most of this platform. By leaving the optimization and maintenance of the company page to experts, organizations can focus on their core business and achieve significant results in terms of visibility, reputation and generation of business opportunities.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Juan Ramírez

Es un experto en LinkedIn Ads que ha destacado en el marketing digital con estrategias efectivas para campañas publicitarias en la plataforma. Posee una sólida formación en Marketing y Publicidad, lo que le ha proporcionado los conocimientos necesarios para diseñar campañas altamente exitosas. Tiene un enfoque en segmentación y análisis de datos que lo ha convertido en un referente en el campo.

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