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Best time to post on LinkedIn

If you carry out a social media strategy, LinkedIn cannot be missing from your marketing plan to generate B2B leads. But... Did you know that the day and time of your posts are crucial?

The time you choose to upload your content, in Spain, will make the difference between going unnoticed and the possibility of Even make you viral.

Now then... Which time zone is ideal? Well, as is to be expected, the one in which More users have connected, especially if they are part of your audience.

And what times and days are most suitable? You'll have to keep reading this article...

Why is the time of publication on LinkedIn so important?

Keep in mind that the time of publication on LinkedIn Spain, will affect the visibility of your content and the possibility of reaching both your target audience and leads.

On LinkedIn, the role of the algorithm is to show content to users depending on its relevance, the search and the level of participation it generates. When you publish at a time when your audience is more active and responsive, you increase the chances of your content being viewed and shared, which in turn will allow you to reach the right audience.

How the time of publication affects visibility and interaction with your content

When you post to your profile at a time when there are a greater number of active users, your publication is more likely appear in people's news feeds and, therefore, have more opportunities to be seen.

There are some recent studies that support the importance of publishing at strategic times...

According to an analysis carried out by Hootsuite, the best days to post on LinkedIn are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In addition, the ideal time to publish is between 7:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., and among the 5:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m..

However, a study of Sprout Social He says that the best day to post on LinkedIn is Wednesday. In addition, it noted that publications between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. they tend to have a higher reception.

Factors to consider when publishing

Not all the right times or days to post on your profile are the same for all profiles, so you should consider the following factors...

1. Identify your target audience and their geographic location

It is essential that you know Who are your followers, who are showing interest and who you're targeting on LinkedIn. Are they professionals in a specific industry, entrepreneurs, or another demographic?

Keep in mind the geographical location of your target audience. If you have followers in different time zones, you'll need to adjust your posting times to them to maximize your reach.

2. Study the behavior of your audience

Observe the online activity patterns of the audience you are targeting. When are they most active on LinkedIn?

You can get information monitoring your activity, such as... when they post themselves, when they interact with other posts, or when they're more likely to read and comment on LinkedIn.

3. Analyze past data and metrics to identify patterns

Examine your previous LinkedIn posts and analyze your data and metrics... such as reach, interactions or visualizations. Focus on making a report with patterns that follow times when your posts obtained a greater commitment and they reached more people.

Use the LinkedIn analytics tools for accurate information about the performance of your posts. These tools will show you when people are most active and when it interacts most with your content, as well as the format that generates the most impressions.

When is it best to publish a post on LinkedIn?

Although today there is very little real data on the subject, we can be guided by...

  • La intuition.
  • Las experiences personal.
  • The data on connection times.

Being able to draw some conclusions:

  1. It's better to focus on days Work (avoid Saturdays and Sundays).
  2. Focus on content a Half the morning and the middle of the afternoon.
  3. Do not publish at night or too late.
  4. The days Discarded holidays.

Best time to post on LinkedIn

Like the best time to post on LinkedIn It's not an exact science. It can vary depending on your specific audience, the industry you belong to and the kind of marketing you carry out.

In addition, it is a social network focused on the professional sector, so you must take into account the general working hours of users.

But some effective stripes are...

Early in the morning

Many members of the platform check their social networks before you start your workday. So it is advisable to publish in the early hours of the morning.

Try to make it between the 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to capture the attention of professionals starting to work.


Take advantage of the Rest time for professionals during lunchtime, for example, can be effective, since that's when they usually have a moment to review their profiles on LinkedIn or on the web.

Try publishing between the 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.. to reach those who are taking a break and can be more responsive to platforms and your content.

Late afternoon

Publish towards the end of the afternoon, when users are ending their workday, can also be a good option.

Try to post between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. for those who are about to end their day and can interact on LinkedIn.

Experiment and adapt according to your target audience...

These schedules are guidelines only and they vary depending on your audience and your industry.

Test and analyze data and metrics to identify the times when your posts get the most engagement and reach.

Try to adapt your publication schedule based on the results and behavior of your audience or your customers.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Best Days to Post on LinkedIn

Although, as we have emphasized, it depends on many factors, such as your sector or your audience, there are some general guidelines that you should follow to choose the right days:

Avoid weekends...

Saturdays and Sundays tend to have a lower participation on LinkedIn, since many people are out of work and devoting time to other activities.

Working hours...

Posting during business hours can be convenient, since your target audience is more likely to be online.

Monday to Friday...

In general, weekdays are better for posting content on LinkedIn. It's when most of professionals are active on the platform. Los Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday These are usually the strongest days in terms of activity, but keep an eye on your statistics.

Best time to publish according to your industry

What you just read can help you to orient yourself in general on social networks, however, a HubSpot study segments the best times to post on LinkedIn by sector:

Companies in the health and higher education sector...

Sharing the same pattern, these sectors are most successful in their publications from mid-morning, around 10, until lunchtime, around 2.

Software companies...

In this type of company, it usually works well to publish outside working hours, which is why LinkedIn is an exception.

Media companies...

As if they were reading the newspaper, the most common thing is for media companies to check their social networks in the morning, as if they were reading newspapers.

B2B companies...

As it is normal for these types of companies to target professional audiences, the most suitable times to publish are the early hours of the morning, during the lunch break and on the way to and from work.

B2C companies...

Because these companies target consumers, the best hours to post are outside of business hours.

Tools to help you know the best time to post on LinkedIn

Lucky for you, there are some resources and tools which will help you to guide you through them regarding the schedules on social networks in which your content works as well as references of different kinds (such as in email) that will also be helpful in LinkedIn, including statistics.

LinkedIn analytics tools to get data from your audience:

LinkedIn provides its own analysis tool, called LinkedIn Analyticsor LinkedIn Insights.

Bran detailed infographic about your followers and the performance of your posts.

You'll be able to get demographics, information about your audience's online behavior, and performance metrics from your previous posts.

External platforms that will help you collect results

The use of a platform such as Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Buffer and Followerwonk, provides data and statistics on audience behavior on LinkedIn with just one click.

These tools give you Information about the times when your audience shows the most interest and the best times to publish something interesting on the platform.

The importance of continuous testing and analysis

There is no universal formula for determining the best time to post on LinkedIn, since each audience is unique...

That's why you should test and experiment with different publication times and see what works best for social media professionals.

Analyze the data and metrics associated with your publications and identify patterns so that they are useful for determining schedules that generate greater reach and commitment.

Remember that the use of these tools will give you very useful information, but it is important to adapt it to your specific audience and carry out your own tests.

By combining data from LinkedIn's analytics tools, external platforms, and your own analytics, the decisions you make will be much more informed, something that will allow you to have more control over your best time to publish on LinkedIn and optimize your content strategy.

If you want to carry out a precise study of your best publication times and schedules or leave your LinkedIn marketing to professionals, contact a marketing agency specialized in content on social networks such as LinkedIn.

In Insurgente, the best LinkedIn Ads Agency of the sector, we study your potential customers, your target audience and your metrics in Spain. We promote business positioning and offer a close service with carefully calculated metrics.

We study the best options to obtain an adequate impact on your audience, scheduling posts and making a selection of the best quality content for your users.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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