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Social Selling: What It Is and How to Do It Successfully Step by Step

Although it is becoming increasingly popular, you may wonder what social selling is... because it is a sales strategy through social networks or other digital platforms that aims to establish relationships with customers to generate sales.

What is social selling?

“Social selling” is a sales strategy that focuses on the use of social networks and digital platforms to establish relationships with potential customers and build trust with them. Instead of using traditional, direct sales methods, social selling focuses on creating genuine connections and developing long-term relationships.

It consists of taking advantage of these platforms as communication and promotion tools (creating a social selling strategy) to connect with potential customers in a more effective and personalized way.

Instead of using traditional sales methods, such as cold calling or mass emails, social selling focuses on building relationships through, for example, LinkedIn.

Marketers often use this platform to share relevant and valuable content, engage with customers, answer questions, offer advice, and establish a strong online presence.

The social selling strategy is based on the concept that people buy from people, not companies. By establishing an active and authentic presence on social networks or on your website, as a company you can develop trusting relationships with your potential and existing customers. This is something that will allow you to be present throughout the buying process, from generating leads to closing sales with customers.

What variables measure your Social Selling?

1. Establish your professional brand

Always keep in mind that the Buyer Persona Your target audience is always at the center of your social selling strategy. LinkedIn gives you 2 guidelines:

  1. Don't turn your profile into a Curriculum Vitae... rather explain what benefits you bring to your work experience.
  2. May your posts be useful... don't talk about yourself or your product/service, but about how this helps your followers.

2. Finding the right people

What LinkedIn wants to transmit with this variable is that Take care of your network of contacts and don't collect unnecessary ones.

No matter how vain your techniques are, they will not make you better, just as having a very large network of contacts will not give you more visibility.

3. Interact by offering information

This is the most difficult variable to work with, so it always has fewer points than the others.

It's where it shows if you really think about your customer... Do you share valuable and useful content for him?

Measure engagement that your posts generate, because interactions are what mark the value of your social selling strategy.

4. Create relationships

Social selling is based on emotional bonds that you establish with your Buyer persona.

The main pillar is the trust behind a sale, and you achieve this by talking in social networks.

Start by talking to decision-makers of the purchase of your services.

Advantages of Social Selling

As expected, social selling gives you certain advantages in social networks:

1. Building strong relationships

A good social selling strategy you will connect and establish meaningful relationships with your audience.

You can directly interact with potential customers, answer questions, share valuable information and demonstrate your expertise in your industry.

By building strong relationships based on trust and authenticity, you increase the chances of closing sales and generating leads.

2. Increased visibility and reach

Social networks are platforms for expanding your reach and reaching a larger audience.

You'll increase your visibility by sharing relevant content, participating in interesting conversations, and taking advantage of segmentation tools to reach your target audience more precisely.

Así you will increase your brand exposure and your products or services.

3. Access to information about prospectuses

Social media provides an invaluable source of information about your prospects.

You'll get details about their professional profile, interests, activities, publications and connections.

This information will allow you to customize your sales approaches and adapt your messages to make them more relevant and effective.

4. Greater efficiency in prospecting

The use of networks can improve the efficiency of your prospecting activities.

You can use social media search tools and filters to identify potential customers that fit your ideal profile.

In addition, you can Take advantage of social signals, such as comments or interactions, to identify prospects who may be interested in your products or services.

5. Competition monitoring

Through social selling, you'll keep an eye on your competitors and be aware of their online activities.

This way you will get information about their strategies, offers and sales approaches, which you will help you adjust your own tactics and maintain a competitive advantage.

6. Real-time feedback

Thanks to social networks and a good social selling strategy, you will get comments and iInteractions with your customers quickly and directly.

You can take advantage of this real-time feedback to improve your products or services, adjust your sales strategies and strengthen relationships with your customers.

What is SSI?

The Social Selling Index or SSI is the LinkedIn index. It is responsible for measuring the efficiency of your actions on this social network... basically... Does LinkedIn like what you do?

Staying at a high value will make the LinkedIn algorithm decide the reach of your posts. At a higher value...

  • Más posibilidades de atraer clientes.
  • Más visibilidad para tus publicaciones.
  • Más potencia en cuanto a tu marca personal.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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¿Cómo calcular tu SSI?

Fácil, si tienes un perfil personal en LinkedIn, tienes tu SSI. Para conocerlo, inicia sesión con tu perfil o marca y accede aquí:

Índice de LinkedIn Social Selling Index

Te aparecerá una circunferencia con 4 áreas:

  • Establece tu marca profesional (optimización del perfil)
  • Encuentra a las personas adecuadas (utilizar el buscador de LinkedIn y de Sales Navigator para prospectar)
  • Interactuar ofreciendo información (publicar posts y comentar de forma regular)
  • Crea relaciones (contruye una audiencia llena de seguidores relevantes)

¿Cómo interpretar tu índice?

El Social Selling Index de LinkedIn consiste en un valor que va de 0 a 100, evaluando tu trabajo en la plataforma basándose en las 4 áreas clave. Cada área llega hasta los 25 puntos, y la suma de ellas es tu SSI.

El valor numérico global del Social Selling

Aunque no existe una regla exacta que vincule a tu SSI con tu éxito en LinkedIn, sabemos que es importante que sea alto.

  • Lo preferible es que tu SSI esté por encima de 70, ya que es a partir de este valor cuando empezarás a impactar entre tus contactos como referente de tu sector.
  • En cambio, estar por debajo de 25, es muy bajo, sin embargo, es fácil mejorar y subir rápidamente.
  • Entre 25 y 70 es crucial tu actividad en LinkedIn… compartiendo contenido y comentando el que otros publican.

¿Para qué sirve el SSI?

El Social Selling Index (SSI) de LinkedIn además de medir y evaluar la eficiencia de tu venta social y proporcionar una puntuación que refleja cómo las marcas están utilizando LinkedIn... sirve para los siguientes propósitos:

Medir tu progreso

El SSI también te permite realizar un seguimiento de tu progreso en LinkedIn a lo largo del tiempo. Puedes establecer metas y objetivos para aumentar tu puntuación en el SSI y utilizarlo como una forma de medir tu crecimiento y éxito en la plataforma.

Identificar áreas de mejora

Al evaluar los prospectos individuales del SSI, como establecer tu marca profesional, encontrar los clientes adecuados, interactuar de manera efectiva y construir relaciones sólidas, puedes identificar las áreas en las que puedes mejorar tus actividades en LinkedIn para tu negocio. Esto te permitirá ajustar tu estrategia y mejorar tus resultados en la plataforma.

Evaluar tu rendimiento en LinkedIn

El SSI te proporciona una medida cuantitativa de cómo estás utilizando el marketing en LinkedIn  en comparación con otros profesionales de tu industria. De hecho, te da una visión general de tu desempeño en la plataforma y te permite evaluar si estás aprovechando al máximo las herramientas y medios de LinkedIn, ya sea Linkedin para empresas, Linkedin Sales Navigator y Linkedin premium

Obtener insights y consejos personalizados

LinkedIn proporciona insights y consejos personalizados a los usuarios basados en tu puntuación de SSI. Estos insights pueden ayudarte a comprender mejor cómo utilizar la plataforma de manera más efectiva y proporcionarte recomendaciones específicas para mejorar tu presencia y resultados en LinkedIn tanto a ti como a tu equipo.

Y... ¿Qué consigues exactamente a través del SSI?

1. Potenciar tu tráfico orgánico y posicionamiento

Al seguir una estrategia en uso de las redes sociales, aumentarás la visibilidad de tu perfil y contenido, gracias a que se generará un mayor tráfico orgánico a tu perfil o sitio web.

Optimizando adecuadamente tus perfiles, publicaciones y contenidos, por fin mejorarás tu posicionamiento en los resultados de búsqueda tanto dentro de las plataformas como en los motores de búsqueda externos.

2. Potenciar el alcance de tu marca

Con el SSI expandirás el alcance de tu marca interactuando con otros profesionales y compartiendo contenido relevante.

Al construir una red y establecer relaciones con personas influyentes en tu industria, es más fácil aumentar la visibilidad de tu marca y generar interés en tus productos o servicios.

3. Potenciar tu branding

Utilizando estrategias de social selling, fortalecerás tu branding personal o empresarial.

Al compartir contenido de calidad, participar en conversaciones relevantes y establecer tu expertise en tu área de especialización, construirás una reputación sólida y te posicionarás como un referente en tu industria, generando confianza en tu marca y abriendo oportunidades comerciales.

Etapas del social selling

En el mundo altamente conectado de hoy en día, las redes sociales han cambiado la forma en que las empresas y los profesionales abordan el proceso de ventas. El Social Selling, o venta social, es una estrategia revolucionaria que se ha convertido en una poderosa herramienta para establecer relaciones auténticas con los clientes potenciales y cerrar ventas de manera más efectiva.

Etapa 1: Investigación y Escucha Activa

La primera etapa del Social Selling implica investigar y escuchar activamente a la audiencia. Las redes sociales ofrecen una gran cantidad de información sobre las preferencias, necesidades y desafíos de los usuarios. Mediante el monitoreo de conversaciones y la observación de tendencias, los vendedores pueden obtener información valiosa para adaptar su estrategia y ofrecer soluciones relevantes.

Etapa 2: Optimización del Perfil Profesional

El perfil en redes sociales es la carta de presentación de un vendedor. Es crucial que esté optimizado con información relevante sobre su experiencia, habilidades y logros. Una imagen profesional y una descripción concisa y atractiva ayudarán a generar una impresión positiva en los clientes potenciales.

Etapa 3: Identificación y Conexión con Prospectos

Las redes sociales ofrecen una gran ventaja al permitir a los vendedores encontrar y conectar con clientes potenciales de manera más rápida y efectiva. Utilizando filtros y herramientas de búsqueda avanzadas, pueden localizar a personas que se ajusten al perfil de su cliente ideal. Al enviar solicitudes de conexión personalizadas, mostrando interés genuino en su negocio o intereses profesionales, se fomenta una relación sólida desde el principio.

Etapa 4: Generación y Compartir de Contenido Valioso

Quality content is a fundamental element in Social Selling. Marketers must create and share relevant, informative, and useful content that solves problems or provides solutions to their audience. This will allow them to position themselves as leaders in their industry and attract potential customers interested in their products or services.

Stage 5: Interaction and Relationship with the Audience

The success of Social Selling lies in building authentic relationships. Marketers must be active on social media, participate in relevant conversations, answer questions and comments, and show empathy for the needs of their audience. This genuine interaction helps to establish stronger and more lasting connections.

Stage 6: One-to-One Conversations

Once a relationship has been established with prospects, it's time to move on to more personal conversations. The seller must demonstrate a genuine interest in the potential customer's needs, asking questions to better understand their challenges and offer specific solutions.

Stage 7: Monitoring and Nurturing

Not every prospect will be ready to buy right away. This is where nurturing comes into play. Marketers must keep in touch with their prospects, continue to provide value through relevant content, and keep an eye out for opportunities to help them. Nurturing nurtures the prospect's interest over time.

Stage 8: Closing the Sale

When a strong relationship has been established and the prospect is ready, it's the right time to submit a personalized business offer or proposal. It is important that the focus remains on resolving the potential customer's needs.

Stage 9: Customer Loyalty and Retention

Once a sale has been closed, the process doesn't end there. Sellers must maintain a close relationship with their customers, providing excellent after-sales service, meeting their needs and keeping them informed about new solutions and updates.

What do we at Insurgente do with your Social Selling?

In Insurgente your LinkedIn ads agency we take Social Selling strategies very seriously and we care about offering an unparalleled service to customers who trust us to carry out a study on their lead capture.

Achieve a position for your B2B brand in LinkedIn is our specialty.


In conclusion, social selling has become a powerful and effective strategy to boost sales in the digital age. Through the strategic use of social networks, companies and professionals can establish meaningful relationships with their potential customers, generating trust and increasing opportunities for conversion.

The success of social selling lies in authenticity, relevance and empathy in the interaction with the audience. It's critical to understand the needs and desires of potential customers, providing valuable content and personalizing interactions to build a strong relationship over time.

The social selling process is carried out in a planned and strategic manner, involving research, the identification of prospects, the establishment of connections, active participation and continuous monitoring. This approach allows companies and professionals to position themselves as experts and references in their industry, increasing their credibility and attractiveness to clients.

It's important to remember that social selling is an ethical and genuine practice, focused on providing value and solutions to potential customers, rather than simply making direct sales. By focusing on establishing quality relationships and being a reliable source of information, business opportunities will present themselves in a more natural and lasting way.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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