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What Are LinkedIn Ads And Their Benefits

Learn what LinkedIn Ads are and how to use them to advertise in this network of professionals and generate B2B sales for your company.

What are LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn Ads is a paid marketing tool that allows companies, usually B2B, to advertise in their network of more than 830 million users through text ads, sponsored posts, carrousels, etc..

B2B companies use LinkedIn Ads lead generation forms as well as image ads to generate leads to their salespeople and boost their sales funnel.

LinkedIn Ads have many benefits for companies, not only recognition or brand awareness, but the opportunity to increase sales, attract talent and improve their brand image.

Next, we'll explore all the options offered by LinkedIn Ads.

Why advertise on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network designed for professionals, and is designed to allow them to interact with other professionals regarding workplace issues. This can happen in the academic field, when it comes to finding, organizing events, sharing news, discovering sectors or simply selling.

LinkedIn has more than 830 million members from +220 countries, making it the largest professional network in the world without any competition, and growing at a good pace since it was acquired by Microsoft in 2016.

The biggest advantage of LinkedIn Ads is that the user doesn't feel annoyed by the interruption, and they don't take it personally since they perceive these ads in their work environment.

Users navigate looking for information and solutions, and if you are able to present a value offer that solves their problems, you can capture hundreds of leads.

The main reason to advertise on LinkedIn Ads is that you can directly impact decision makers if you use good segmentation. Achieving the same with other Paid Media options such as Facebook Ads or Google Ads may not be as effective, especially if you are targeting medium and large companies.

If you want to start now with LinkedIn Ads, we recommend this article that will explain the LinkedIn Ads Lead Generation Forms.

Increase the visibility of your brand with LinkedIn Ads

Building a brand is a complicated task. Why? Very easy, all companies copy each other, so the differentiation disappears.

That's where implementing a B2B marketing strategy that's very different from what your competitors are doing comes in.

What few people know is that LinkedIn has brutal SEO, if you establish a strategy of creating content on LinkedIn together with ads you can position yourself well above and dominate your niche.

Find out more about the SEO on LinkedIn.

Ideas for your first LinkedIn Ads campaigns

LinkedIn Ads campaigns are used to get the talent you are looking for to apply for your jobs, to generate leads, to impact specific investors, to promote content or even open a new location in your company.


  1. A marketing agency is looking for international talent where they can't reach in person. Since they know that they want the best of the best, they carry out specific segmentation for these qualified personnel and impact them through Sponsored Messages.
  2. A startup with a SaaS model has a CAC of 500€ (Customer Acquisition Cost) and they decide to prepare campaigns with Lead Generation forms to generate opportunities for their sales team.
  3. A scale-up is preparing its Series C and wants to impact very selective VC funds. They campaign with this segmentation and impact those decision makers so that later it is much easier to convince them to invest.
  4. A multinational company opens a city like Seville and they are about to make a lot of concentrated noise with local campaigns to attract talent, facilities, local suppliers and customers.

Even B2C companies like Telepizza have announced themselves on LinkedIn:

His marketing team realized that this offer could be irresistible for work teams and even interesting for companies, giving them a very economic reason to do Team Building.

The campaign swept away.

LinkedIn Ads tools

We'll tell you about the different ways of advertising offered by LinkedIn so you can decide which one is best for your business.

Lead Generation Forms in LinkedIn Ads

As a feature within the platform, lead generation forms allow us to automate filling in the fields of our forms to create campaigns.

They are used to generate leads within LinkedIn itself without having to redirect the user to a landing page on your website.

Benefits of Using Gene FormsLead Ration

  • Conversion: Eliminating steps in the funnel (and therefore complexity) is more likely to achieve better conversion results.
  • Retargeting: Interested users will be kept within LinkedIn audiences and it will be much easier to attack them with different campaigns. This is especially true for those leads that we were unable to convert with the first campaign.
  • Self-filling: If the lead is interested, LinkedIn will automatically fill in the information to speed up the process. The good thing about this is that you'll get data that you couldn't get with other platforms, data such as your lead's work email.

Segmentation with LinkedIn Ads

With LinkedIn you can segment by job title, location, industry, academic level, sex, gender, and much more. In fact, there are even audience lists already created by LinkedIn.

These pre-established audiences through LinkedIn can help you get started with your campaigns.

To create your buyer persona or target audience, we recommend starting by segmenting the following:

  • Job Position
  • Seniority
  • Company size
  • Industry
  • Skills
  • Interest groups
  • LinkedIn Activity

In addition, we recommend that you exclude those segments that don't interest you.

Retargeting on LinkedIn Ads

Imagine that you are not convinced by any of the segments that LinkedIn has given you.

What could you do?


Retargeting consists of attacking temperate or hot audiences to convert them with advertisements to LinkedIn Ads. This highly cost-effective technique is interesting for when we already have other sources of lead generation.

Let's give an example


A fintech wants to get leads on LinkedIn. He has concluded that he is interested in using LinkedIn Ads because he wants clients with high purchasing power, so they will concentrate on CEOs, investors and employees with high positions.


But... There's a problem, they don't find an ideal audience and they don't want to waste money attacking a cold segment either.


They install the LinkedIn pixel on their website, and they campaign for LinkedIn Ads to those users who come to the web and don't convert.

In this way, LinkedIn collects the ID of the users and if it recognizes that same user on its platform, it will automatically show them their ads, making it much easier and less expensive to obtain sales.

This method is very interesting for companies that have a lot of monthly traffic because other channels work like SEO, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube, etc.

In this video, we explain the strategy in depth:

Upload your excel to LinkedIn Ads

Now, let's say that your company, the strong strategy is email marketing. In that sense, you could have an Excel database of a lot of leads that you keep impacting with your emails but that don't end up converting.

With LinkedIn, there's no problem. You can upload that CSV to LinkedIn and that way LinkedIn will read all the emails, and it would only show your ads to matching users.

In this article we explain to you How to upload your csv to LinkedIn Ads.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Ad formats in LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads offers a variety of formats for your ads. This is vital since it will give degrees of freedom to your marketing team's creativity.

Still, no matter what ad format you use, you'll need to consider these elements to be successful with your campaigns:

  • Relevant content for your audience
  • Clear CTAs.
  • Market differentiation.
  • Application of testing and the scientific method.
  • Optimization of campaigns.

These are the formats offered by LinkedIn:

Sponsored Content

These types of ads occur within the platform and in full view of all users. Sponsored content can be used on all types of devices and is also the default option for optimizing the impressions of your campaign.

Sponsored content is great for:

  • Promote items
  • Give events and news a boost
  • Engage with your audience
  • Generate leads
  • Promote your LinkedIn page

These contents can be images, videos, pdfs, etc.

They work well in the long term, especially if they are disruptive. An example would be posts with memes or posts that seek controversy. Here's an example:

Message announcement in LinkedIn Ads

This type of ad is used to generate conversations with your audience and is usually focused on generating leads.

Message ads are more personalized and end up impacting the user since they are displayed in the form of a pop-up in their inbox.

Its creation is usually like this:

If you do it right, that is, with a short and interesting message, as well as with good personalization, you can achieve good results.

Text Ads

Text ads are small and cheap, usually displayed on the sides of the feed and are only viewed by users on their computers.

Using text ads is an effective way to stay on the user's Top of Mind, this will make them more receptive to other ads and increase conversion.

LinkedIn dynamic ads

LinkedIn dynamic ads are used to increase followers and views of the organic content of your business page.

Dynamic ads can be used in the same way as sponsored content, since traffic can be sent to a web page or landing page.

Here are the main objectives of dynamic ads:

  1. Get more followers for your business page.
  2. Announce specific organic posts.
  3. Add job ads to get more requests.
  4. Promote lead magnets (pdfs, courses, webinars...) to get leads.

LinkedIn Ads Elevate

LinkedIn Elevate is a LinkedIn B2B marketing tool that allows you to increase the results of your marketing campaigns through the use of your company's employees.

You can create content that interests your employees so that they react and impressions skyrocket, reaching a large part of the network, and thanks to Elevate you can track key metrics such as leads generated, impressions of posts and visits to your website.

Define budgets for LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads work well with the right strategies. However, the costs of CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) increase compared to other platforms.

Reason: It costs much more to attract the attention of a decision maker in a large company than to get a university student to see your advertisement on YouTube and buy the course. Mostly because the decision maker's attention and time are much more limited and therefore valuable.

Therefore, we recommend that you study our remarketing strategy on LinkedIn.

Budgets in LinkedIn Ads

There are several types of budgets:

  • Diary LinkedIn will spend all the daily budget you allocate, day in and day out until you manually stop the campaign.
  • Total budget. LinkedIn will spend the total budget spread over the days allotted for the campaign.
  • Bidding system. LinkedIn will spend budgets bidding to get you the best prices for clicks and impressions.

LinkedIn can spend 20% more than your daily budget, but it will never exceed your total budget.

Budgets have to be defined by the objectives of the campaigns, so it is necessary to think and prepare a tailor-made plan before launching your campaigns.

What metrics should you consider?

  • COCK: Customer Acquisition Cost. With this metric, you will understand how much a customer costs you and if you achieve that result by making that same investment in LinkedIn.
  • CPC: Cost per Click. By knowing the cost per click, we can find out where the problem is. In other words, if we have a low CPC without conversions, it's because either the target is wrong or our landing page is bad. That's why we can take advantage of the low CPC of Google Ads and retargeting LinkedIn Ads.
  • ROSE: Return On Ad Spend. This is the return on the spend we make on Ads. We will have to calculate this metric after 90 days of advertising on LinkedIn.
  • LTV: Lifetime Value is what the customer will generate for you in their life cycle. Remember to consider this metric when defining your CAC.

These would be the key metrics to optimize your marketing campaign:

  • Clicks
  • CTR - Clicksthrough rate
  • Average interaction
  • Number of Conversions
  • Conversion Rates
  • Leads
  • Cost per Lead

Track conversions in LinkedIn Ads

To measure and make the right decisions, we need to track conversions. This issue in many B2B companies is complicated since the purchase is not made through the web.

To correctly measure the leads we generate, we need LinkedIn forms, landing forms, or demos generated with calendly, for example.

To measure this, we must install the LinkedIn Insights Tag on our website. In This article explains how it's done.

LinkedIn Ads analytics

As time goes on and your campaigns have more and more data, you can use LinkedIn demographics and analytics to better understand the impact of your campaigns.

You will be able to know the gender, age, title, location and much more information about the users who consume your ads.

Analytics from other applications

It can also happen that you have missing data, especially if you haven't installed the LinkedIn pixel, as well as explore possible integrations.

These data can be seen in your Google Analytics, Hotjar or Clarity and they will also allow you to understand what percentage of traffic comes from LinkedIn, how much comes from LinkedIn Ads and how much from other sources such as SEO, Google Ads, etc.

To do this correctly, we recommend that you study the different integrations that Zapier offers to automate your funnel. For example, the integrations between your Sales CRM and the leads generated in LinkedIn Ads.

Learn about the integrations of LinkedIn Ads and your CRM with Zapier. You may also be interested in reading: LinkedIn Premium ,LinkedIn Sales Navigator and LinkedIn for companies


LinkedIn Ads is a great tool for B2B companies. The benefits are brutal, and the strategies are endless. Simply keep in mind that campaigns to cold audiences will most likely not be profitable, so you'll have to focus on remarketing strategies that are.

Finally, if you prefer to secure the point and try this channel together with Insurgente; the LinkedIn Ads agency, contact us and we will study your case in detail.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Walid Amarir

Es un experto en LinkedIn y Ventas B2B. El joven ex-jugador profesional de eSports, lleva años dedicándose a las ventas B2B, trabajando con +100 empresas del sector, mencionado y reputado por LinkedIn como un experto en su campo, y dirijiendo la Agencia de Marketing B2B: Insurgente.

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