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B2B Marketing: What It Is and Why You Need to Start NOW

B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing are marketing techniques where the sale of the product or service is directed to other companies instead of focusing directly on the consumer or individual person. In this type of marketing, companies sell their products and services to other companies per generate business relationships and achieve long-term transactions.

Unlike B2C (Business-to-Consumer) marketing, where the focus is on attracting and persuading end consumers, B2B marketing focuses on attracting other companies as customers. The decision-making process in the B2B field is generally more complex and can involve multiple stakeholders, such as managers, directors, buyers and technical professionals. B2B marketing involves specific strategies and tactics to reach a business audience.

Some of the common activities in B2B marketing include lead generation (attracting potential customers), creating relevant and quality content, participating in events and trade shows, conducting product demonstrations, establishing relationships with customers, and implementing personalized communication and sales strategies.

What is B2B marketing?

B2B marketing, also known as business-to-business marketing or business marketing, refers to marketing strategies and actions that are carried out between companies or companies. In this type of marketing, the sale of products or services is carried out from one company to another, instead of selling directly to the final consumer, as is the case in B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing.

In B2B marketing, companies seek to establish strong business relationships with other companies to meet their needs, solve business problems and achieve business objectives. Marketing strategies in this area focus on identifying and attracting potential customers within other organizations, offering solutions that add value and generate trust in the business relationship.


The benefits of B2B marketing are multiple, and we'll tell you more about them in this section:

  • Defined target market: One of the main benefits of B2B marketing is clarity in identifying the target market. Companies that engage in this type of marketing know exactly who they want to target: other companies, professionals or specific departments within organizations. This allows for more precise segmentation and personalization of marketing strategies, increasing the chances of attracting suitable and relevant potential customers.
  • Long-term business relationships: B2B marketing focuses on building strong and lasting business relationships with customers. Unlike B2C marketing, where transactions can be more transitory, in B2B, companies seek to establish long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual satisfaction. By strengthening these relationships, customers become more loyal and are willing to continue working with the supplier in the future.
  • More rational buying decisions: In the B2B environment, buying decisions tend to be more rational and based on analysis. Business buyers are looking for solutions that solve specific problems, optimize internal processes and, ultimately, generate a positive return on investment. Therefore, marketing strategies should focus on demonstrating the value and tangible benefits that the company can provide to its customers.
  • Long sales cycle: The sales process in B2B marketing can be more complex and lengthy compared to B2C. Decision-making in companies usually involves several stages, including evaluating options, comparing suppliers and negotiating conditions. However, once the deal is closed, the value of the transactions is often significant, offsetting the time and effort invested in the sales process.
  • Customer lifetime value: The focus on building long-term relationships in B2B marketing can result in significant customer lifetime value. Once a successful relationship has been established, customers are more likely to repeat purchases in the future and gradually increase the volume of their purchases. In addition, satisfied customers can become brand ambassadors, recommending the supplier's products or services to other companies.
  • Feedback and continuous improvement: The closest interaction with customers in B2B marketing allows us to receive valuable feedback on the products or services offered. This feedback is essential for making improvements and adjustments, ensuring that the solutions provided are adequate and meet customer expectations. Continuous improvement ensures that the company remains relevant and competitive in the constantly evolving B2B market.
  • Focus on specific needs: B2B marketing allows for a more personalized approach focused on the particular needs of each customer. Companies must thoroughly understand the challenges and objectives of their customers in order to adapt their products or services effectively. By meeting these specific needs, companies can gain the trust of their customers and strengthen the long-term relationship.
  • Collaboration and strategic partnerships: B2B marketing opens up the possibility of establishing strategic partnerships and collaborations between companies. These alliances can provide mutual benefits, such as access to new markets, sharing resources, or developing joint solutions. Well-managed collaborations can boost business growth and expansion, as well as strengthen the company's network of contacts in the B2B market.

Best B2B Marketing Strategies 2023

In order to attract and generate business relationships with other companies, the following B2B marketing strategies are carried out:

Lead generation

Implement strategies for capture potential customers or leads, that is, companies interested in the products or services offered. This can be achieved through quality content, contact forms, resource downloads, webinars, and more.

Reference marketing

This B2B marketing strategy consists of encouraging and taking advantage of referrals and recommendations from satisfied customers. El Positive word of mouth can be a powerful marketing tool in the B2B field.

Content marketing

Create and share relevant content and valuable to the target audience through different media is a basic B2B marketing strategy. This can include blogs, articles, whitepapers, case studies, and videos. Educational and useful content helps to build credibility and trust in the brand.

Market Segmentation

To carry out this B2B marketing strategy, you must identify and segment the business market into specific groups with similar characteristics. This helps direct marketing efforts to relevant audiences and adapt messages according to the needs and characteristics of each segment.

Email marketing

A very common B2B marketing strategy is to use the email as an effective tool to communicate with potential and existing customers. Emails may include information about new products, promotions, company updates...

Influencer B2B marketing strategies

Collaborate with opinion leaders and experts of the industry that have a significant influence on the target market around B2B marketing. These “influencers” function as media that can help promote the brand and products before relevant audiences.

Personalization and focus on relationships

Adapt messages and communication meeting the specific needs of each potential customer is a very effective B2B marketing strategy. El focus on long-term relationships is essential in B2B marketing, since it often takes time and effort to close a sale.

Participation in events and trade fairs

Attend and exhibit at events, conferences and trade shows relevant to the industry within Business to Business marketing. These events provide opportunities to establish contacts, build business relationships and promote the company's products or services to your customers.

Benefits of B2B Marketing

If your business is based on creating business relationships with other companies, B2B marketing will offer you advantages such as these:

Added value and personalization

In the B2B arena, companies are often looking for customized solutions and added value. B2B marketing will allow you adapt your products, services and communication to meet the specific needs of your customers, generating greater satisfaction and loyalty.

Larger purchase volumes

In general, B2B transactions involve larger purchase volumes than B2C transactions. This means that, through B2B marketing, you can secure significant revenues when obtaining contracts and agreements with business customers.

Long-term business relationships

This type of marketing focuses on establishing strong and lasting relationships with other companies. These relationships can lead to long-term trade agreements, which means continuous revenues and stability for both parties in B2B marketing.

Access to commercial information and data

B2B marketing involves a more direct and continuous communication with customers. This will provide you with valuable feedback and data on the needs, preferences and business challenges of your customers, thus being able to improve your marketing strategy.

Opportunities for growth and expansion

This kind of marketing can open doors to new opportunities for growth and expansion. By establishing strong business relationships, you'll be able to access wider networks of contacts, strategic partnerships and new markets.

Logic-based decisions and business benefits

Compared to B2C marketing, where buying decisions are often driven by emotional factors, B2B marketing is based on logic and business benefits. This means that B2B customers are more willing to invest in solutions that generate a measurable return on investment and an improvement in their efficiency or business results.

How will B2B marketing affect your strategy?

If you decide to carry out a B2B marketing strategy, you will observe a significant impact on your marketing plan that you will notice in several ways:

Measuring results

B2B marketing is based on measurable results and return on investment. Your marketing plan should include specific metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of your B2B strategies, such as lead generation, conversion rate, customer lifetime value, or ROI.

Long-term relationships

This type of marketing focuses on establish long-term relationships with other companies. Your marketing plan should include strategies to maintain and strengthen those relationships, such as ongoing communication, personalizing the customer experience, and identifying opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.

Collaboration with sales

In Business to Business marketing, the processes of collaboration between marketing and sales is crucial. Your marketing plan should include strategies to align marketing efforts with the sales team, such as developing sales support materials and tools, creating compelling sales pitches, and coordinating joint activities.

This article might interest you: 10 tools for selling on LinkedIn.

Messages and communication

A B2B business involves communicate with professionals and business decision makers. Messages and communication should be clear, persuasive, and focused on the business benefits that your product or service can offer to other companies. Your marketing plan should include messages and content that resonate with the User profile you are referring to.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Inbound marketing in B2B marketing

El Inbound marketing plays a fundamental role in B2B marketing because it helps attract, convert and build loyalty to prospects and business customers through a methodology focused on relevant and quality content.

Inbound marketing focuses on providing value to your client's audience, establishing relationships and building trust. Key aspects of the role of inbound marketing in this field include:

Generating qualified leads

Instead of pursuing any potential customer, inbound marketing focuses on attracting the right prospects to your company and understanding demand.

By creating and distributing relevant content, it's less complex to attract professionals and companies interested in your products or services.

This allows you to generate qualified leads that have a real interest and a specific need, increasing the chances of conversion.

Creation of relevant and quality content

Inbound marketing focuses on creation and distribution of relevant and valuable content for your target audience. Including case studies, technical reports, whitepapers, guides, videos and specialized blogs.

By providing useful and educational information, you can establish yourself as a leader in your space and gain the trust of your customer and the profile of the company you are addressing on social networks.

SEO and online visibility

Inbound marketing on social networks also focuses on improving online visibility through search engine optimization strategies (SEX).

By creating optimized content on your website for keywords relevant to your business, you can increase your ranking in search results and attract qualified organic traffic.

In this way, you will generate greater exposure to your brand and attract those models that are looking for solutions in your industry.

Marketing automation

Digital marketing automation plays a very important role. It allows you to provide prospects with personalized and relevant content throughout the buying cycle, in addition to effectively monitoring and scoring leads.

Marketing automation allows you segment your audience and send specific messages based on their behaviors and stage in the buying process, thus improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your business model.

Cultivating long-term relationships

How B2B marketing focuses on cultivate long-term relationships with customers, it is very important to provide continuous value through useful content and resources, thus maintaining commitment and loyalty with your end consumer.

Challenges faced by B2B marketing

Due to the characteristics of the commercial transactions between companies, B2B marketing is faced with several challenges As for marketing on social networks, what have to do with your field, such as the following that we explain below:

Extended sales cycles

It is clear that in B2B marketing, sales cycles are longer and more tedious. This is because purchasing decisions involve several stakeholders, including managers, executives and technical professionals. The normal thing is to convince these parties and overcome internal obstacles It takes time and effort.

Decision making based on logic and ROI

In B2B marketing, decisions tend to be based on logic and analysis of return on investment (ROI). B2B professionals tend to require tangible evidence that a product or service is generating significant benefits for your organization.

Decision-making committees

In many B2B transactions, decision-making It does not fall on a single person, but in a committee or group of people. Each committee member may have different needs, priorities or concerns, making it difficult to satisfy all stakeholders and reach a consensus to satisfy your end consumer.

High-quality and educational content

In B2B marketing, it's very important to provide relevant, educational and high-quality content. This will demonstrate the value of the products or services.

Since B2B buyers are eager for information that allows them to make informed decisions, it is very important to generate and distribute useful content, such as case studies, technical reports or whitepapers, via email marketing or posts, which is a constant challenge.

Segmentation and personalization

One of the biggest challenges in the B2B marketing environment consists of segment and personalize communications and offers.

As each company has its own specific needs and requirements, it's important to constantly adapt messages and solutions to each potential customer.

Precise segmentation and effective personalization require a deep understanding of the target market And of a thorough data collection.

Generating quality leads

Of course, in B2B marketing, the quality lead generation is critical to success. However, it can be a difficult task to find and attract the right prospects in a highly competitive business market.

La identifying the right acquisition channels And the use of effective strategies lead generation are constant challenges.

What are the upcoming trends for B2B marketing in 2023?

Both the evolution of the business landscape and the dynamics of the market are constantly evolving and changing, being able to directly influence customer trends, the buying process or functioning on social networks, and through the change in digital marketing strategy as well as in different marketing strategies.

Therefore, you must take into account the trends that are coming in the B2B landscape:

Personalization and customer experience

La personalization is becoming a key expectation for B2B customers since companies are constantly looking for experiences adapted to their needs.

In 2023, personalization is of course expected to continue to gain importance, both in content and in interactions, providing a more relevant and valuable customer experience.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

El ABM has gained a lot of popularity in recent years... This strategy focuses on creating relationships and personalizing interactions, improving the buying process, with specific business accounts.

El ABM allows companies to focus their efforts on the most valuable customers and provide them with a more direct and personalized approach.

B2B Influencer

The influencer it is not limited only to the B2C field. In B2B, the use of influencers can be very beneficial. Companies are increasingly turning to recognized experts in their industries to promote their products or services and build trust in your customers.

In 2023, the B2B influencer will continue to grow and offer new opportunities to establish strategic ties with opinion leaders in business and social networks.

Automation and Technology

La automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies keep changing the way in which B2B marketing is done.

In 2023, the adoption of these technologies will continue to grow, thus allowing companies to automate tasks, personalize interactions and obtain highly accurate information on customer and market behavior and preferences.

Interactive and visual content

Interactive content, such as surveys, online calculators or evaluation tools, is constantly gaining popularity.

These forms of content allow companies to actively engage their audience or their customers by providing a more immersive experience. In addition, visual content, such as videos and graphics, both on social networks and on different platforms, is still a powerful tool for transmitting complex messages and capture the attention of B2B professionals.

Emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility

As sustainability and social responsibility are increasingly important issues in the world in general, B2B marketing is no exception.

Companies are looking to partner with suppliers who share your values and are committed to sustainable business practices. Therefore, in 2023, it is expected that the focus on sustainability and social responsibility continue to grow.

Differences between B2B marketing and B2C marketing?

B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) marketing are different marketing approaches in terms of strategy and tactics used with the intention of reaching different types of audience.

As you already know, B2B marketing is aimed at companies instead of individual consumers. The difference in the case of B2B, is that the objective is to implement long-term business relationships and generate sales of products or services between different companies. Key features that differentiate B2B marketing from B2C marketing include:

Business relationships

In B2B marketing, the primary focus is to build strong relationships with other companies through long-term trust, credibility and loyalty.

Making complex decisions

Purchasing decisions in the B2B environment are commonly More complicated and are influenced by several stakeholders. That is, there is a need to address the needs of various roles within the organization.

The focus on value and return on investment (ROI)

B2B buyers are more focused on the value and the ROI they can obtain of products or services. Benefits and cost-effectiveness must be clearly demonstrated.

The longest sales cycle

The sales process in B2B marketing is normally longer and more complicated, since it involves internal negotiations, proposals and approvals before closing any deal.

Now digging deeper into the B2C marketing, we see that it focuses on reaching directly to the individual consumers and persuade them for them to buy products or services. Key features of B2C marketing include:

The focus on emotions and personal value

As B2C marketing is based on emotional connection with consumers, focuses on personal satisfaction, lifestyle and the desires of the final consumer.

The impulsive buying decision

The normal thing when it comes to buying decisions that have to do with B2C marketing, is take them more quickly and emotionally. Users usually make impulse purchases that come from advertising or a friend's recommendation.

Clear and simple messages

B2C marketing messages have to be clear, simple and easy to understand. They focus on highlighting the most attractive and immediate benefits of products or services.

The shortest sales cycles

Unlike in B2B marketing, the sales cycle in B2C marketing It's usually shorter since consumers tend to make faster decisions and make purchases in a shorter period of time.

As you can see, the differences that exist between B2b marketing and B2c marketing are quite significant, although it is true that some strategies can be used in both cases. Even so, the most convenient thing is that, if you are interested in carrying out a B2B marketing strategy, contact an agency that is specialized in this field.

A B2B marketing agency?

In the business world, there are a number of digital marketing agencies concerned with developing effective strategies and tactics to increase brand visibility, attract potential customers, generate sales and build strong relationships with customers...

However, when your product or service is aimed at other companies, you should worry about finding agencies that are specialized precisely in carrying out B2B marketing strategies.

Insurgente it's the LinkedIn ads agency and better B2B marketing agency which carries out Lead generation and LinkedIn Ads strategies to boost your sales.

We are an agency that generates growth in companies and startups through the customer acquisition on LinkedIn through the creation of content, messaging campaigns and LinkedIn Ads.

But most important of all, is that we work with B2B companies who want to exploit the LinkedIn channel to attract customers for their business.

If you are looking for your ideal and effective B2B marketing agency... join us and work hand in hand with specific data and statistics, so you don't miss one and you know where each of your leads comes from.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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María López

Es una apasionada del marketing y la creatividad. Estudió Marketing Digital, ha trabajado con diversas marcas nacionales e internacionales, desarrollando estrategias innovadoras que han impulsado el crecimiento de sus clientes. Su habilidad para conectar con las audiencias y su visión estratégica la convierten en una profesional destacada en el campo del marketing general.

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