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Waalaxy Guide: Generate B2B Leads Automatically
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What is Waalaxy? Step-by-step guide to launching your campaign

Launching an effective advertising campaign is essential for companies to be successful and visible...

And although there are a lot of platforms and channels where you can launch your campaigns, it's extremely difficult to properly manage all of them and to optimize them all at the same time.

This is why Waalaxy has become a very important tool for those companies that want to make themselves known.

So pay attention, because in this article we will talk clearly and in depth about everything you need to know about Waalaxy and How to implement it so that your campaigns have the best possible results.

What is Waalaxy?

Waalaxy is an advertising campaign management tool that offers a very complete solution to promote marketing campaigns on the network. In addition, it is able to work on platforms that are currently on the rise.

Let's see step by step How to implement Waalaxy to launch your first campaign:

Step 1 - Set up the account and connections to advertising channels

What our LinkedIn profile will look like when we connect it with Waalaxy

The first step in getting the most out of Waalaxy is to create and configure an account within the platform.

Once we have created our account, we can link it to LinkedIn Ads.

Waalaxy uses elements such as APIs and other integrations to be able to implement a more secure connection with all of our existing advertising accounts.

Step 2 - Define the objectives of the advertising campaign

One of the features of Waalaxy for LinkedIn.

Before launching an advertising campaign, we must be very clear about what they are going to be our objectives.

Do we want to increase the visibility of our brand on the network? Generate more leads on LinkedIn? Or increase sales to our potential customers?

Waalaxy gives us the opportunity to establish clear and concise objectives, in addition to investigating our progress for the duration of our advertising campaign.

Step 3 - Segment and define the target audience

One of the main features of Waalaxy is its ability to Segment the target audience and define potential customers.

Waalaxy offers you different filters in a personalized way so that you can reach the target audience of your campaign.

Some criteria are:

  • E-mails
  • Interests of the user
  • Demographic situation of the user
  • Online user behavior

Step 4 - Create the ads on LinkedIn

Waalaxy offers templates and recommendations that you can use as examples of good practices in your campaigns... a relief when it comes to designing ads, really.

In addition, this tool uses artificial intelligence to help you with the optimization of your ads and allows you to optimize based on how your ad performs and the data you have collected.

Step 5- Set up the budget and schedule our campaign

You must have studied the Exact amount of money you're willing to spend in advertising for LinkedIn and set certain daily or total limits for your campaign budget.

In addition, it is recommended that you correctly schedule the duration of your campaign and set the days and times when you want your content to be sent to potential customers.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Step 6- Campaign Tracking and Optimization

Once your campaigns are fully operational, it's very important that you carry out a comprehensive monitoring of the performance you are having and, if necessary, make adjustments to optimize the results.

The key metrics that Waalaxy makes available to us are:

  • The user's response
  • The interactions generated in the campaign
  • The user's opening rate of messages

With this data, you can identify which aspects of your advertising strategy are working and which you need to improve.

How to automate relationships in Waalaxy?

For maximize Waalxy's performance, you should not miss the opportunity to manage your relationships with users on LinkedIn.

The most appropriate way to do this is to automate the following strategies:

a) Sequence of messages

The platform gives us the possibility to create custom message sequences to be able to communicate much more effectively with the LinkedIn profiles to which we are connected.

Waalaxy gives us the opportunity to program a series of messages that will be sent automatically over a period of time that you can determine in advance, following your strategy with the advertisement you want to send on LinkedIn.

These sequences will periodically generate quality relationships with your target audience, offering you content on LinkedIn of some relevance and creating a relationship along with solid opinions among your customers.

b) Personalization and message tracking

Waalaxy provides the ability to customize your messages based on Data you have about the different LinkedIn profiles of your potential customers.

You can use the following dynamics to save personalized information about your potential customers:

  • The name of the recipient
  • The name of your company
  • Your email

This tool will allow you to keep track of message that you have sent to your potential customers, the responses you receive and the interactions generated with them.

This will give you a much more detailed view of the effect your messages have had and how you should adjust the content you send through LinkedIn.

c) Automation of tasks and reminders:

Waalaxy is able to automate the following activities:

  • Submit invites and that they confirm their attendance for us
  • To be able to follow profiles Relevant in our sector
  • Be able to send messages from Follow-up after attending events of interest to your business environment...

In addition, Waalaxy allows you to set reminders to keep a more detailed track of all your actions.

This will ensure that you don't miss out on any relevant profile or the opportunity to make an offer for a product, service or something related to your company.

d) Response management and interaction monitoring:

When you run campaigns through LinkedIn, you'll receive replies or comments from your contacts... Waalaxy allows you simplify interaction management more easily providing you with an inbox that will help you solve the problems of having too many messages.

With this interface, you can perform the following actions:

  • Assign labels to conversations.
  • Mark conversations as “read” or “unread”.
  • Keep an organized record of your interactions...

In this way You won't miss any opportunity of Follow-up.

Do you want to implement Waalaxy in your marketing strategy?

If you want to maximize lead capture and implement Waalaxy in your advertising campaigns, you need the necessary knowledge to get the most out of this useful tool.

But... What if I tell you... that we do it for you?

In Insurgente we keep up with the pace of your company for you... in other words, we take care of your messaging campaigns and we maximize performance on Waalaxy so you can don't worry about not capturing enough leads. We are you B2B marketing agency trusted.

By the way... Are you interested in more articles like this? If you want to continue learning about marketing and how to increase the positioning of your company, you can take a look at our website.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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María López

Es una apasionada del marketing y la creatividad. Estudió Marketing Digital, ha trabajado con diversas marcas nacionales e internacionales, desarrollando estrategias innovadoras que han impulsado el crecimiento de sus clientes. Su habilidad para conectar con las audiencias y su visión estratégica la convierten en una profesional destacada en el campo del marketing general.

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