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LinkedIn recommendations: How to request them and their importance

Work connections transcend borders and professional opportunities are currently being forged in the network. LinkedIn has unquestionably positioned itself as the essential platform for networking, career development, brand establishment, and more. But beyond being a simple showcase of skills and achievements, LinkedIn offers a valuable feature that significantly elevates your professional presence: recommendations.

Recommendations on LinkedIn are more than written compliments; they are authentic seals of approval from colleagues, supervisors, and collaborators who have shared work experiences with you. In the article that we bring you today, we will learn what is the vital role that recommendations play in building a solid and attractive profile, as well as how to request them, grant them and capitalize on their power.

From the application process to the way you use them to support your professional goals, you'll discover how recommendations are the boost your LinkedIn profile needs to stand out from the crowd and generate new opportunities.

What are recommendations on LinkedIn?

Recommendations on LinkedIn are like letters of recommendation but digital. Imagine that you are looking for a new job or want to show off your professional skills online. Instead of just writing about yourself, recommendations allow other people to write about their experiences working with you.

Think of a friend or colleague you've worked with on projects or a job. If that person thinks you're a hard worker and wants to help you, they can write a kind of “letter” on your LinkedIn profile. In this letter, you'll share what makes you work well, how you collaborate with others, and what good things you've achieved together.

Not only does this make you look good, but it also shows people who visit your profile that you have a history of working well with others. It's like real proof that you're as impressive as you say you are.

How to request recommendations on LinkedIn?

One of the tactics to convince the general public is to use testimonies. Hearing someone else's version of something or someone else makes you look more real and supportive, which is why recommendations are so powerful on LinkedIn. So that you can make use of them, we bring you a simple step by step that ranges from login to acceptance of the recommendation:

Step 1: Sign in to your account

To get started, sign in to LinkedIn using your email address and password. Go to the LinkedIn home page to continue with the recommendation request process.

Step 2: Update your profile

Before asking for recommendations, make sure your profile is complete and up to date. This means adding your work experience, education, skills and any other relevant information. Recommendations are based on your real interactions and accomplishments, so having a complete profile is important.

Step 3: Create the “Recommendations” section

Once you're signed in, click “Add Section”. This button appears below your name and profile picture.

Step 4: Click “Add Recommendations”

Once you've clicked there, click where it says ¨ Add recommendations ¨

Step 5: Search for the person

Once you've clicked on add recommendations, LinkedIn will ask you to search for the person you want to request the recommendation from. Once you have selected the person, click on “Continue”.

Step 6: Write a personalized message

After that, you must select the relationship you had with that person and the position. An important part of the recommendation request is writing a personalized message. Explain why you're asking for the recommendation and how that person helps you highlight your abilities and strengths. Be kind and clear in your message.

Step 7: Submit the request

Once you've written your message, click “Send”. This will send a notification to the person you're asking for the recommendation from.

Step 8: Wait for the answer

The person will receive notification of your request. They may respond right away or take some time to write the recommendation. Be patient and wait for their response.

Step 9: Accept and show the recommendation

When you receive the recommendation, LinkedIn will notify you. Review it to make sure it's appropriate and reflects your abilities in a positive way. If you are satisfied, you can accept it and it will show up in your profile.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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How to write a recommendation on LinkedIn?

Now that you know how to request a recommendation, we'll explain how you can write one on someone else's profile.

Sign in to your account

Sign in to your LinkedIn account using your email address and password.

Find the person's profile

Search for the profile of the person you want to write the recommendation to using the search bar at the top of the page.

Click on ¨ More¨

Once in the person's profile, under the name and photo, you'll find a button that says “More” click there and then on “Recommend”.

Select the relationship and position

Choose the relationship you have with the person, such as a colleague, supervisor, client, etc. Then, select the job or position you shared together.

Write your recommendation

This is where you can write the recommendation. Share your experiences working with the person. You can mention their skills, strengths, and accomplishments. Be specific and provide concrete examples.

Be authentic and positive

Remember to write in a sincere and positive way. Highlight what makes the person special and valuable in the professional field, but don't overdo it.

Review and edit

After you write the recommendation, read it to make sure it's clear and error-free. If necessary, make some edits to make it sound as good as possible.

Click on “Submit”

When you're happy with your recommendation, click “Submit”.

Wait for approval

The person will receive a notification about the recommendation you wrote. You'll have the option to approve it before it shows up on your profile.

Where can you see recommendations on LinkedIn?

Recommendations on LinkedIn are found in the specific section called “Recommendations” on a user's profile. To see them you must:

  1. Access your LinkedIn account
  2. View your profile or the profile of the person you want to see the recommendations for
  3. Scroll down, there you will see the sections, almost at the end you will see a section called Recommendations. This section is generally found below the “Experience” section.
  4. Once there, you can explore all the recommendations that you or someone else has. All recommendations will always have a profile picture and name of the person who wrote them.

Who can I ask for a recommendation?

You can request recommendations on LinkedIn from people with whom you have had professional interactions. It's important that the people you ask for a recommendation know you well in a professional environment so they can provide authentic and relevant testimonials about your skills and achievements. Some examples you might consider are:

Work colleagues

Colleagues with whom you've shared projects, tasks, and responsibilities are great candidates for giving recommendations. They can talk about your ability to collaborate, solve problems as a team, and how you contribute to the success of the project or company.

Supervisors or bosses

Your former or current supervisors can provide strong recommendations about your work performance, leadership skills, and how you adapt to the team's expectations and objectives.

Current or former customers

If you've worked directly with clients or provided services to them, asking for a recommendation from them can highlight your communication skills, customer satisfaction and how you deliver value-adding solutions.

Mentors or advisors

People who have acted as mentors or advisors in your career can talk about your professional growth, how you have benefited from their guidance and how you have applied their advice to your career.

Teachers or instructors

This example is generally for students, especially if you are a recent graduate or are at an early stage in your career, teachers can provide recommendations based on your academic performance, participation in projects and learning abilities.


Those with whom you have collaborated on joint projects or have established strong business relationships can offer insight into your networking skills, negotiation skills and how you contribute to achieving mutual objectives.

15 Examples of recommendations on LinkedIn

To give you a clearer and more practical idea of what a recommendation looks like, we have written 15 examples. Recommendations don't necessarily have to be long and extremely detailed, this could be counterproductive, since those who are going to read them are looking for specific information. In addition, they may read hundreds of daily recommendations, the idea is that they are concise, simple, but that they make very clear the contribution or value of the person to whom they refer. Here are the examples:

Supervisor to subordinate

“It was a pleasure to work with [Name]. Their commitment and focus on quality led to exceptional results. I was always willing to take on additional responsibilities and bring new ideas to the team. His ability to stay focused on objectives while maintaining a collaborative work environment was critical to achieving high performance. ¨

Colleague to colleague

¨ [Name] is an exceptional collaborator. Their ability to communicate effectively and work as a team was crucial to the success of our joint projects. He always strives for excellence, bringing innovative ideas and maintaining a positive attitude that motivates the entire team. His work ethic is contagious and he's always willing to support other team members. ¨

Customer to supplier

“We have had the pleasure of working with [Name] on several projects. Their commitment to quality and their focus on customer satisfaction are remarkable. He always met deadlines and delivered outstanding results. [Name] not only demonstrated a deep understanding of his field, but he was also able to understand our specific needs and adapt accordingly. Their professionalism and solution-oriented approach made working together a highly positive experience. ¨

Teacher to student

“It was a pleasure to have [Name] as a student. He demonstrated a deep interest in learning and was always willing to explore challenging concepts. Their enthusiasm and commitment are exemplary. [Name] was noted for his active participation in the classroom, his ability to ask insightful questions, and his willingness to take on academic challenges. I am sure that she will continue to excel and make significant contributions to her career. ¨

Employee to employer

¨ [Name] is an inspirational leader. His strategic vision and ability to guide our team led us to achieve goals that seemed unattainable. Their support and guidance have been invaluable for developing skills and promoting a positive work environment. [Name] demonstrates a unique ability to identify opportunities and challenges, and their ability to make informed decisions has had a lasting impact on our team and the company as a whole. ¨

Mentor to apprentice

“It was a great experience mentoring [Name]. Your desire to learn and grow is evident in every step you take. [Name] demonstrates a strong work ethic, an open attitude to receiving feedback, and a constant focus on continuous improvement. Throughout our mentoring relationship, I have seen how [Name] has successfully applied the advice and skills she has acquired, and I am sure that she will continue to excel in her professional path. ¨

Satisfied customer

“I highly recommend the services of [Name]. He demonstrated deep knowledge in his field and his ability to understand our needs was impressive. The results exceeded our expectations, and [Name] stood out for its professionalism and its focus on providing customized solutions that really made a difference in our project. ¨

Business partner

̈Working with [Name] on joint projects has been a valuable experience. Their focus on collaboration and attention to detail ensured that each project was completed successfully and on time. [Name] is an effective communicator and demonstrates strong project management skills. Their ability to solve problems and maintain a high level of commitment has been essential to the success of our collaboration.


¨ [Name] is an incredible asset for any team. His positive attitude, dedication and technical skills make him a fundamental member in achieving our objectives. [Name] not only demonstrates an ongoing commitment to quality and excellence in his work, but he is also an exceptional collaborator in solving challenges and in promoting a cooperative work environment. ¨

Project Manager

“As a project manager, working with [Name] was a trouble-free experience. Their clear communication, ability to adapt to changes and meet deadlines made our projects successful and efficient. [Name] is an organized and reliable professional who not only understands the objectives of the project, but also works diligently to ensure that they are successfully achieved. ¨

HR Professional HH

¨ [Name] is an exceptional candidate. Their track record of accomplishments and skills is impressive, and their ability to work as a team and address challenges efficiently is exemplary. [Name] demonstrates a unique ability to communicate effectively and establish strong interpersonal relationships, making it a valuable addition to any team. ¨

Beneficiary customer

“I highly recommend the services of [Name]. Their experience and focus on understanding our needs led to a customized solution that had a positive impact on our business. [Name] demonstrated deep knowledge in his field and his dedication to ensuring that our experience was exceptional was evident at every stage of the process. ¨

Training partner

¨ [Name] and I share a lot of courses and projects. I was always impressed by their tireless work ethic and willingness to take on challenging tasks. [Name] not only strives for academic excellence, but he is also a highly committed colleague who is always willing to collaborate and contribute to the team's success. ¨

Volunteer partner

“I have had the pleasure of collaborating with [Name] on volunteer activities. His commitment to the community and his ability to lead teams are exemplary. [Name] is always willing to step up and contribute time and energy to valuable causes. Their approach to making a difference is inspiring and their contribution is a testament to their dedication to service. ¨

Strategic partner

“Working with [Name] in our association has been very beneficial. His innovative vision and ability to forge strong relationships led us to new opportunities and shared successes. [Name] demonstrates an ongoing commitment to excellence and is able to identify creative solutions for complex challenges. Their focus on collaboration and strategic planning has been a key factor in achieving our joint objectives. ¨

Are you looking to optimize your profile to attract new B2B customers?

Are you looking to attract new customers on LinkedIn and don't know what else to do? We have a recommendation for you.

Insurgente It is the agency of B2B marketing specialized in LinkedIn Ads. They usually recommend us as LinkedIn ads agency, since we use this tool to generate new customers.

We have an innovative approach to marketing and networking strategies aimed at companies and entrepreneurs, thus offering a unique competitive advantage in the professional field. At Insurgente, we ensure that your profile stands out in relevant searches, connecting you directly with key decision makers and professionals in the business world.

What truly sets Insurgente apart is our commitment to personalization. Their strategies are designed to adapt to your specific objectives and the sector in which you operate. When you understand the importance of establishing strong relationships in the B2B environment, you will realize that it is extremely vital to relate to B2B leads And the knowledge How to generate b2b leads on LinkedIn. At Insurgente, we ensure that every interaction in LinkedIn be authentic and value-oriented, whether you are looking to expand your network, stand out as an expert in your industry or generate tangible business opportunities, we help you generate more customers through LinkedIn Ads. Therefore, I recommend the b2b consulting of the agency.


In today's competitive work and business world, building a strong online presence is essential to stand out from the crowd and establish yourself. In this article, we've shown you how recommendations on LinkedIn are a valuable asset to reinforce your profile, validating your skills, experiences and how to write them. Remember that these recommendations not only provide a snapshot of your ability and professionalism, but they also influence the perception that others have of you in the professional field and will help you generate new clients.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Juan Ramírez

Es un experto en LinkedIn Ads que ha destacado en el marketing digital con estrategias efectivas para campañas publicitarias en la plataforma. Posee una sólida formación en Marketing y Publicidad, lo que le ha proporcionado los conocimientos necesarios para diseñar campañas altamente exitosas. Tiene un enfoque en segmentación y análisis de datos que lo ha convertido en un referente en el campo.

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