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Waalaxy Guide: Generate B2B Leads Automatically
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Get quality leads on LinkedIn


Within the field of digital marketing, we can consider leads as that force that manages to position our company within the competitive business world.

Managing to generate quality leads with a large number of users will achieve interactions with potential customers and, in this way, be able to expand the number of conversions within LinkedIn.

In order to explain what leads are and how to use LinkedIn to get a quality lead, we offer you this fairly accurate guide to make the journey much easier.

The social network LinkedIn, which has more than 800 million users, offers us an extensive possibility with all the tools it has.

In this way, we will be able to generate quality leads thanks to how its algorithm is structured to create relationships with companies and professionals looking for a certain type of product or service.

Throughout this article, we will try to give you enough advice to develop strategies to be able to have a professional and optimized profile within the LinkedIn social network, to make the most of all the features offered by the platform and to improve the generation of quality leads with qualified professionals and with leading companies in our sector.

In this article, we will teach you how to publish content that stands out above the others on the platform, to achieve working relationships with professionals and companies that can be valuable, to be able to participate in talks that are essential for our strategic business sector and how we should use the utilities that we have at our disposal to obtain maximum performance results to achieve sales on LinkedIn.

What is a lead?

To begin with, let's define what a lead is in the field of digital marketing.

Lead is that user or company that has become interested in certain products and services that our company is offering.

For this purpose, the user provides us with contact information that our company will save in its database.

What kind of information do we get from leads?

This information includes items such as:


-Email address

-Phone number

-Geographic location...

This information will allow us as a company to form strategies to be able to establish direct communication with users, facilitate the way in which we build an affinity with customers, in addition to being able to monitor and carry out advertising campaigns on an individualized basis.

Where can we get this information?

We can extract information about potential customers from different media and sources.

Some examples may be:

-Web forms

-Subscriptions to our newsletter

-Download content from our profiles

-Interactions in social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube)

How to get leads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very important tool for generating a large number of leads that can contribute to our network of professional contacts and to be able to achieve profitable opportunities to generate sales for our company.

To make lead generation within this platform a much less tedious action, here we will highlight some strategies that we can follow to achieve this.

Optimize our LinkedIn profile

The first action we must do on the path of lead generation on LinkedIn is to make sure that our profile is completely perfect and professionally optimized so that users are interested in us. First, we must optimize the following elements of LinkedIn:

1 - Profile picture

Our profile photo must reflect our professional personality, but it must be friendly to the users who come to our profile and must clearly present us to potential clients.

2 - Professional title

We must use a title that describes us in a clear and concise way, as well as appealing to our target audience.

We will highlight what our main skills and professional background are.

Cómo crear un título de linkedin que funcione (15 ejemplos)

3 - Summary

We must use this space within LinkedIn to be able to stand out from among profiles, relating what value we can bring to companies and other professional users who are looking for us.

In order to rank at the top of the searches in our business sector, we must use keywords or Keywords to make it easier to find us.

4 - Work experience

We must highlight what our greatest successes have been, your achievements and positive effects on the companies where we have previously developed.

We must clearly explain that we have brought benefits within the companies where we have worked.

5 - Recommendations and validations

It would be advisable to ask the companies where we have worked or from clients we have helped with their needs for a small amount of feedback.

In this way, we will increase our reliability and increase the security that potential customers place in our company.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Define our target audience and our goals

Before trying to start pursuing quality leads on LinkedIn, we must have a clear and concise definition of what profiles we want to reach and what our business and commercial intentions will be.

In addition, we must specify what kind of leads we want to show interest in our offers and services.

This can help us to ensure that our advertising campaigns on LinkedIn have a more personalized format to appeal to a more segmented audience of companies and professionals.

Publish outstanding and professional content

Quality publications are a highly effective strategy to capture the interest of our potential customers and increase lead generation within the platform.

Strategies for creating quality content

Now we'll explain some of the content that works best on LinkedIn to generate leads:

a) Posts in our feed

We will share content such as articles, news, recommendations and thoughts that we consider to be of great importance to discuss about our business sector.

We must make sure, that within these publications, we must insert Calls-to-Action (CTAs) so that our target audience feels induced to be able to interact with our company and to be able to unite to create fruitful business relationships.

b) Articles on LinkedIn

LinkedIn puts this tool in our hands to be able to publish articles.

This way we can share more specific and larger publications.

In this way, we can position ourselves as well-versed users in our business environment and provide greater security for our potential customers within the LinkedIn platform.

c) Create audiovisual campaigns

Videos and presentations often attract more users on LinkedIn.

We must consider being able to make videos of a more limited duration and presentations where the knowledge we have predominates and that may be useful for users that we consider potential customers.

d) Contribute to LinkedIn groups and communities

It would be advisable to participate in the groups that stand out in our sector on LinkedIn and to intervene vigorously in those conversations.

We must ensure that everything we publish within the group has a certain meaning and quality.

In addition, if we resolve the doubts that other members of the LinkedIn group present to us, we will improve their experience in it and they may become potential customers.

This will allow us to build an expert reputation in the eyes of other LinkedIn users and to generate leads to our products and services much faster.

e) Use hashtags and tags

The use of hashtags and tags that stand out in the content we publish in our profile will ensure that we are visited by users interested in certain areas and topics within the platform.

In this way, the ease of being able to find us will increase exponentially and that will affect the generation of leads in our company.

Find quality connections


The platform has a function so that, when researching, we can find the user that best fits the target profile we want to locate.

Among the filters that we can find on the platform, we highlight:






Within the different blogs of Insurgente you will find all the information you need to create quality leads on LinkedIn, as well as other tricks and information about the world of B2B marketing.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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