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How to Remarket on LinkedIn? Step by Step 2023

Are you familiar with remarketing on LinkedIn? Next, we explain it to you. LinkedIn is currently the social network for professionals and companies with the most users in the world, exceeding 800 million.

In recent times, LinkedIn has been pivoting towards greater interaction between its users and more oriented to the content they publish on it. We believe that in the coming months and years LinkedIn will grow even more, becoming the ideal option for B2B companies to be able to direct their LinkedIn campaigns to a more segmented professional sector.

It is true that LinkedIn has a higher CPC or cost-per-click than other platforms, but its ability to reach a more specific professional audience far exceeds that of other platforms. Later, in this article, we will try to explain how using remarketing within the LinkedIn platform we can generate interactions with potential customers who visit our domain.

Remarketing on LinkedIn: Visits to your website

One of the first things we should talk about in this article about remarketing on LinkedIn is how to use advertising options to remarket in the B2B environment to people who have already visited our website, either a specific URL or the entire domain.

The option that encompasses all remarketing alternatives on LinkedIn is called Matched Audiences. To carry out remarketing on LinkedIn, we will follow the following steps.

Step 1. Create and add the Insight Tag

The LinkedIn Insight Tag is a small JavaScript tag that allows you to enable conversion tracking options, a website's audience and detailed information, for later use in your LinkedIn ads.

In order to activate these options on LinkedIn, it is necessary to add this tag to the code of our website by following these steps:

  • We log in to the LinkedIn campaign manager and go to the account from which you want to launch your remarketing ads to users of the platform.
  • Go to the Account Assets menu and click on Insight Tag in the drop-down menu.
  • Click “Install my Insight Tag” and select your preferred method for installing it. To view the code, choose “I'll install it myself”.
  • We will copy all the code that appears in the sale and add it to the pages of your website. The ideal is to add it just before the closing tag, in the footer of our home page.

Once we've followed all these steps, we'll have to wait for LinkedIn to validate the domain we've created.

This process on LinkedIn can vary in length, ranging from a few minutes to 24 hours of waiting.

Once LinkedIn has verified our domain, the status will change to Active and the graphic will show the last time LinkedIn received a signal from the tag. The following are the possible states:

  • Asset: If it is active, it will appear green. This means that LinkedIn has received a signal in the last 3 days.
  • There is no recent activity: If the status is orange, it means that LinkedIn hasn't received any signals for more than 3 days.
  • Inactive: When the signal status is shown in red, it means that LinkedIn hasn't received signals for more than 7 days.
  • Without verification: If LinkedIn has never received a signal from this code, it will also be shown in red.

Keep in mind that a web page can only have one Insight Tag per domain, so we won't try to add a second tag.

If what we want is to associate a new account with an already installed Insight Tag, we will use the permissions option on the account that has access to the tag.

2. Creating a Retargeting Audience on LinkedIn

Once the Insight Tag has been installed on our website, LinkedIn will begin to record the data of visitors who go to the domain.

At that point we must indicate to this LinkedIn tool what audience we want it to include in our remarketing list on LinkedIn so that.

To do this, we will log back into our account in the LinkedIn campaign manager and click on “Create an audience”.

Here we will decide if we want to include all visitors to our website in the list, or only those who visit a specific page or pages.

If we want to track conversions, we must specify to LinkedIn which pages on our website we would like to count as a conversion.

To customize the audience of the remarketing campaigns we carry out on LinkedIn, we can find three different options within LinkedIn:

  • Pages that start with this URL: It includes all URLs that begin with the same character string that is specified, and the ending of this URL may be different.
  • This is the most recommended option if the URLs include additional parameters at the end and you want to exclude them, such as user identifiers.
  • Pages that have this exact URL: If the URLs of our website are static and you want to include in the remarketing list on LinkedIn only users who have visited a specific page.
  • Pages whose URL contains the specified text: This option can help you to include all the pages of our website.

We must bear in mind that when adding v URLs to the audience of our website, a user will only have to visit one of them to be included in the remarketing list on LinkedIn.

Once we have configured the remarketing audience on LinkedIn, following the previous steps taken, we will wait to see how it grows.

The audience will increase as users visit the website.

The minimum size of an audience that can be used is 300 people, so depending on the traffic we generate on our website, it will take more or less time.

Once all this is over, the website will be fully ready to launch without any problem. For this whole process to be more streamlined when remarketing on LinkedIn, it is recommended to use one of these two options:

  • You can set up the campaign on LinkedIn to start publishing when your list has 300 people.
  • Save the campaign while the audience grows. Once you reach the desired audience, you can launch it manually through LinkedIn.

How to remarket on LinkedIn with our own database

Within LinkedIn's “Matched Audiences”, we can also implement audiences created from our own databases, for example, a file of customers or leads that have downloaded content to one of our landing pages.

To be able to implement this type of audience, we must follow these steps that I explain below in detail:

  • Click on the “Account Assets” menu and select the option called “Matched Audiences”.
  • Next, we click on the “Audiences of uploaded lists” button and finally select the “Upload a list” option in the LinkedIn application.
  • To upload our contact list, you must create it in CSV format.
  • Once we have performed these actions, we must wait for LinkedIn to verify our audience and show us the results of the contacts that we have found in our database.
  • Remember that you'll need a minimum volume, which I mentioned before, to be able to use the remarketing list on LinkedIn in your campaigns.

Once approved, we'll be ready to create our remarketing ads on LinkedIn.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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3 Effective Methods for Remarketing on LinkedIn

1 - Segmentation by previous interactions

Let's start by defining what segmentation is by previous interactions.

This methodology refers to how we will direct our remarketing campaigns to those users who have previously interacted with our web domain, social network or content that we have published within our professional profile.

Every time professionals and companies visit our web domain and carry out actions such as visiting the web pages that our domain has, purchasing services or products from our company, filling out forms or subscribing to our company's newsletter.

2 - Segmentation by visits to specific pages

Segmentation by visiting specific pages is a widely used remarketing strategy on LinkedIn that is mainly based on what actions they have taken once they have visited a specific web page within our web domain.

This way of dividing our audience allows us to channel our advertising campaigns in a concrete way to professionals and companies that have expressed a certain inclination to purchase the products and services available to our company.

How to improve retargeting on LinkedIn?

  • We will use specific terminology to name our audiences, such as “Page Visitors” “More Information”
  • It has to be easily recognizable by our entire team and over time, so we must try to make it as obvious and concrete as possible so that it stands out on the platform.
  • We will add the date of creation in the name, to be able to more easily distinguish the audiences that we have previously created on LinkedIn and the oldest.
  • We will choose the URLs that best fit the objectives of our remarketing campaign on LinkedIn
  • It should be remembered that within LinkedIn we have 3 main options: include all URLs that contain a series of characters (ideal if you want visitors to our entire domain to be included in the public), include URLs that start with a certain series of characters (ideal for websites with dynamic URLs) and include only exact URLs (ideal for specific remarketing campaigns on LinkedIn).
  • We must review the status of our audiences: Every time we create an audience with new URLs, we'll be sure to review it 24 hours later to verify that the status has changed to “verified” within LinkedIn.
  • If this is not the case, we will check that we have written the URL correctly and that you have applied the correct segmentation rule for LinkedIn to verify it for us.
  • We can publish several remarketing campaigns at the same time on LinkedIn, making use of both demographic and URL segmentation to optimize results.
  • We'll set our bids at the top to win more auctions and increase the visibility of your remarketing campaigns on LinkedIn.
  • LinkedIn video views: LinkedIn allows us to create ads in video format, and then retarget those audiences that have seen a certain percentage of our videos on LinkedIn. Video views on LinkedIn are a more effective way to measure audience interest.

According to Hubspot, remarketing on LinkedIn is more than 250% more effective at generating leads compared to Facebook and Twitter.

For this reason, many marketing companies consider LinkedIn to be a very important part of their sales strategy.

If we combine it with retargeting strategies, LinkedIn can give us another chance to re-engage our potential audience and redirect them to the services we offer on LinkedIn.

Problems we may encounter with retargeting

As we already know, LinkedIn is the most important professional social network in the world. LinkedIn is that place where professionals and companies come with a professional objective that they want to fulfill.

In any case, they are not looking to buy something and that is why we must be extremely cautious in the way we approach someone on LinkedIn.

Whenever we do campaigns on LinkedIn we must take this into account, but when we retargeting on LinkedIn it is even more important.

If we do retargeting poorly, we can become extremely annoying and cause some friction for our target audience and other users, and that will cause us to have one or more LinkedIn users upset with our brand.

One thing to be very careful about in retargeting strategies on LinkedIn is the frequency of posting our ads on LinkedIn. We must also try not to scare our audience on LinkedIn. We should look for feedback on LinkedIn but without harassing them.


If you still have related questions about how to correctly and efficiently create your remarketing campaigns in the B2B field, from Insurgente we are willing to guide and help you so that you can meet your professional goals.

We are a marketing agency aimed at B2B companies. If you're interested in getting qualified leads with LinkedIn Ads, ask us for a quote here.

We hope that this article has helped you to inform you about remarketing in the B2B field on LinkedIn and that we can contact you to create campaigns on LinkedIn to help your company grow.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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María López

Es una apasionada del marketing y la creatividad. Estudió Marketing Digital, ha trabajado con diversas marcas nacionales e internacionales, desarrollando estrategias innovadoras que han impulsado el crecimiento de sus clientes. Su habilidad para conectar con las audiencias y su visión estratégica la convierten en una profesional destacada en el campo del marketing general.

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