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LinkedIn Ads: What It Is and How to Create a 2023 Campaign

LinkedIn is not only a social network... but it includes LinkedIn Ads... a tool for create and manage campaigns aimed at your specific audience. With more than 830 million users, LinkedIn is a platform for networking and searching for professional profiles.

Keep in mind, that thanks to networking, your network of professional contacts will increase to find new opportunities for development in your business model.

What are LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn Ads is a tool for lead generation which works through paid ads posted on LinkedIn. It's perfect for B2B companies.

Because LinkedIn allows you to control the information you offer to users, it's an excellent space where work on your company's online reputation.

Since it is a social network oriented to the labor market, LinkedIn Ads gives you the possibility to segment your target audience according to their professional profile.

You can classify them according to:

  • Your employment.
  • Your company.
  • Your university.
  • Your location.
  • Your area of study.
  • Your language proficiency.
  • Your level of experience.

LinkedIn Ads is so useful because it allows advertisers to set budgets for impressions or clicks. In addition, you can get reports of the results of each campaign, stop them or restart them.

Phases of advertising on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Ads requires an account in the Platform campaign manager. Depending on what you have, you must follow the following phases:

1. Setting a goal

It is important that you set a objective as a starting point, and in LinkedIn Ads you can choose the following:

  • Awareness: to publicize your brand.
  • Conversion: for website conversions, job seekers or generating leads.
  • Consideration: to attract visits to the website or to some content or participation.

Defining your objective will be your guide and foundation for determining the rest of your process.

2. Selection of orientation criteria

Regardless of the type of ad you choose, the audience you select, It will work the same way, since on LinkedIn you can use more than 20 categories... from interests, to company size, length of time in a job or skills.

3. Choosing the ad format

Here you can choose between several types:

  • Sponsored Content: appears directly in the LinkedIn feed and can be document, single image, video or carousel ads. For a very select audience.
  • Announcements by message: to send direct messages to your prospects, generating immediate action and a stronger response.
  • Dynamic ads: you can customize the content for each user within your target audience segmentation. There are three options... follower, featured and jobs.
  • Text ads: are pay-per-click (PPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM). You'll only pay for those ads that work.

4. Establishing an advertising budget

Once you've fixed the previous points, you'll need to set the budget and schedule for your social media campaigns. You have three options:

  • Cost per shipment (CPS): when you run message ad campaigns and pay for each text that works.
  • Cost per impression (CPM): the best thing when what you need is a brand recognition campaign.
  • Cost per click (CPC): for action-oriented campaigns, for example, generating potential customers.

5. Setting up ad creativity

The creativity of your ad will be the element that manages to convey the value of your message and convince users to remain interested in your brand. Así Google will take you more seriously. You should take into account aspects such as the copy, the images or the format.

6. Measurement and Optimization

Once your advertising on LinkedIn is active, it's time to verify your performance carrying out appropriate analyses and making appropriate changes.

LinkedIn will allow you to keep an overview of your impressions, clicks, social actions and budget.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Benefits of LinkedIn Ads

Here's a list of 6 advantages What LinkedIn Ads can offer you:

1. Advanced segmentation

Thanks to the detailed segmentation service offered by LinkedIn Ads, based on criteria such as geographical location, industry, job title, level of experience, skills... you will precisely target your audience and you will increase the effectiveness of campaigns and positioning in Google.

2. Brand positioning

LinkedIn is an ideal platform for strengthen the brand image and increase visibility among professionals and companies.

Using ads will help you establish a strong presence in the market and highlight your company's value proposition.

3. Interaction and participation

LinkedIn encourages user interaction, participation and conversations, which means that ads can generate greater engagement from the audience as well as improve your brand's marketing.

LinkedIn users tend to be more willing to engage with content related to their professional field.

4. Detailed metrics and analysis

LinkedIn Ads and LinkedIn premium They offer analysis and monitoring tools that allow us to measure the performance of campaigns in real time.

How advertisers can get accurate data based on the reach, impressions, clicks, interaction and results of your ads, it will be easier to optimize advertising strategies.

5. Generating quality leads

Como LinkedIn It's a professional network where users tend to have more complete and up-to-date profiles in each sector, it will be easier Generate high-quality leads, since advertisers can obtain valuable information about users interested in their products or services.

6. Professional and segmented audience

Como LinkedIn Sales Navigator It has a user base highly focused on the professional, the announcements will arrive at a more relevant and specific audience through email marketing, post... It's a platform ideal for addressing professionals, decision makers and influential people in different industries.

If you are looking for a high professionalization in LinkedIn Ads, as well as a solution that offers precise tools and a complete database for your company's marketing results, you have the solution HERE.

In Insurgente the LinkedIn ADS Agency we do all the work of studying leads and selling your business for you. We adapt to your business objectives and are as committed as you are to relationship with your customers.

Specialized in the Bussiness to Bussiness, we are clear about the profile of your consumer and we follow your business model closely.

We provide you with email marketing, ghostwriting, SEO, web design services... Do you miss something? Go to our page go...

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Juan Ramírez

Es un experto en LinkedIn Ads que ha destacado en el marketing digital con estrategias efectivas para campañas publicitarias en la plataforma. Posee una sólida formación en Marketing y Publicidad, lo que le ha proporcionado los conocimientos necesarios para diseñar campañas altamente exitosas. Tiene un enfoque en segmentación y análisis de datos que lo ha convertido en un referente en el campo.

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