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Ghostwriting: What Is It and How to Do It Successfully? Secretos

El ghostwriting… una práctica que ha generado controversia y fascinación a partes iguales. En un mundo donde el contenido es ley y la demanda de material de calidad es insaciable, el ghostwriting emerge como una solución eficaz para aquellos que buscan plasmar sus ideas sin tener las habilidades o el tiempo para hacerlo por sí mismos.

En este artículo exploraremos a fondo el mundo de la escritura fantasma, en qué consiste exactamente, su forma de aplicarla, sus ventajas…

En otras palabras, desvelaremos los entresijos de esta práctica literaria y analizaremos su impacto en el mundo digital y más allá.

¿Qué es el ghostwriting?

El término de "Escritura fantasma" es la traducción literal de qué es el ghostwriting... que consiste en escribir cualquier tipo de texto (artículos, posts, reseñas, etc.) para un tercero sin esperar ningún crédito oficial en su publicación, la cual aparece en nombre de la parte que ha contratado el servicio.

Por ello, enfocándonos en el entorno del marketing, se utiliza para crear contenido en nombre de perfiles o empresas, por lo que el objetivo es promover su marca, producto o servicio. Se trata de un método utilizado en diversos formatos, como blogs, artículos, publicaciones en redes sociales, correos electrónicos o incluso discursos. Te dejamos aquí un vídeo dónde explicamos cómo ser un Ghostwriter del TOP 1%:

Tutorial LinkedIn nº1: Escribe como el TOP 1% de Ghostwriters

¿Para qué sirve el ghostwriting?

Puede tener varios propósitos… es decir, ayuda a establecer a una marca su autoridad en la industria, creando contenido valioso y relevante que demuestre su experiencia. También sirve como estrategia de generación de contenido, permitiendo que las empresas mantenga una presencia constante en línea y atraigan leads.

Además, de cara al marketing, el ghostwriting desempeña varios roles importantes:

  • Posicionamiento: este tipo de escritura promueve que tu marca pueda posicionarse en su industria adecuadamente.
  • Generación de contenido constante: mantener una presencia constante en línea, es vital, así como generar contenido regularmente.
  • Adaptación a diferentes formatos: el ghostwriting puede adaptarse en cuanto al contenido a diferentes formatos y canales de comunicación.
  • Mayor calidad y estilo de escritura: los escritores fantasma son expertos en su oficio y tienen habilidades profesionales de redacción.

¿De qué se encarga el ghostwriter?

Como hemos mencionado antes, un escritor fantasma se encarga de crear contenido escrito de calidad en nombre de tu empresa, marca o persona, por ejemplo. Su papel principal es comprender la visión, los objetivos y la identidad de tu empresa, luego redacta contenido que refleja de manera efectiva esa visión y comunica los mensajes clave.

Creación de blogs y artículos

Un escritor fantasma escribe contenido relevante y persuasivo para blogs y sitios web, de hecho, ayudará a atraer tráfico orgánico, mejorar el posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda y generar interés en los productos o servicios de la empresa.

Desarrollo de contenido para redes sociales

Los escritores fantasma crea publicaciones y mensajes para las redes sociales de tu empresa, asegurando que el tono, estilo y enfoque estén alineados con la identidad de tu marca. Esto ayudará a mantener esa presencia activa y atractiva que necesitas hoy en día en las redes sociales.

Elaboración de contenido promocional

Pueden crear contenido promocional de la escritura… como folletos, anuncios o descripciones de productos. Algo que ayudará a captar la atención de leads y a transmitir de manera convincente los beneficios y características de tu productos o servicios.

¿Por qué necesitas un ghostwriter en tu empresa?

Aunque quizá ya lo tengas claro… aquí te dejo 4 razones por las que necesitas un ghostwriter en tu empresa:

1. Experiencia y habilidades de redacción

Los ghostwriters en marketing son profesionales de la redacción persuasiva y efectiva, así como se la escritura fantasma. Se trata de tener la capacidad de crear contenido atractivo y convincente que capte la atención de la audiencia y genere resultados positivos.

2. Ahorro de tiempo y recursos

Al contratar a un escritor fantasma, estás delegando la tarea de redacción en un experto, cosa que te permitirá ahorrar tiempo si se trata de emplearte a fondo en otros asuntos que tengan que ver con tu negocio. Mientras, podrás confiar en que el contenido se está creando con calidad y eficiencia.

3. Perspectiva externa y objetividad

Un escritor fantasma puede ofrecer una perspectiva fresca y objetiva sobre tu empresa y tus clientes potencial. Esto te ayudará a identificar puntos fuertes, mensajes clave y enfoques efectivos para el contenido de marketing de tu marca.

4. Consistencia en la comunicación

Por otro lado, un buen ghostwriter, garantiza que haya una coherencia en la comunicación de tu empresa y los textos. Esto es vital en la era digital, donde la consistencia y la calidad del contenido son primordiales para mantener la imagen de la marca y atraer leads.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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Ventajas del ghostwriting

Supongo, que ya habrás sacado en conclusión las múltiples ventajas que ofrece el la escritura fantasma y lo beneficioso que puede ser implementarlo en tu empresa. Sin embargo… estas son las ventajas clave que te ofrecerá seguro:

  • Adaptabilidad
  • Ahorro de tiempo
  • Generación de leads
  • Ampliación del alcance
  • Incremento del tráfico web
  • Conocimiento specialized
  • Increase in productivity
  • Focus on quality and results
  • Improvement of the quality Of contents
  • Attraction and retention of audience
  • Optimization for search engines
  • Maintenance of a witnesses constant
  • Amplification of the strategy of contents
  • Adaptation to trends and changes in the market

How to do ghoswriting? Step by Step

Ghostwriting step by step can be an effective and successful process if you follow a well-structured methodology. Here are the steps to successfully carry out this practice:

Step 1: Establish clear and transparent communication

When starting the ghostwriting project, it's crucial to establish open and transparent communication with the original author. This involves understanding your objectives and expectations for the content, as well as clarifying any specific questions or requirements you may have. Effective communication from the start will ensure that both are aligned in terms of the approach and the final result that is sought to achieve.

Step 2: Define the scope and timelines

Before starting to draft, it is essential to clearly define the scope of the project. This includes the type of content to be created (article, blog, book, speech, etc.), the desired extension and any additional details that are relevant. In addition, setting realistic and achievable deadlines is essential to ensure timely delivery of content and avoid unnecessary delays.

Step 3: Research and Collect Information

Research is a fundamental step in the ghostwriting process. Research the topic of content thoroughly, use reliable and up-to-date sources to obtain relevant information. The more information that is collected, the better the final content will be, since it will be based on accurate data and verifiable facts.

Step 4: Adapt the author's voice and style

One of the challenges of ghostwriting is to capture the original author's voice and style. Listen to or read previous material from the author to understand his way of expressing himself and his writing preferences. Building on this understanding, adapt your writing to reflect their personality and perspective in the content.

Step 5: Compose the content

With the information collected and a clear understanding of the author's voice, it's time to draft the content. Organize the material in a coherent way, using a logical and attractive structure to maintain the reader's interest. Maintain a professional and relevant tone, ensuring that each paragraph contributes to the central idea of the writing.

Step 6: Review and Correct

Once you've written your content, spend time carefully reviewing and correcting the text. Look for spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors, as well as possible inconsistencies or inconsistencies in the information presented. A thorough review will ensure that the final content is flawless and of high quality.

Step 7: Get Consent and Approval

Once the paper is ready, share it with the original author for their consent and approval. It is essential that the author is completely satisfied with the result before proceeding to any subsequent step, such as the publication or dissemination of the content.

Step 8: Maintain Confidentiality and Ethics

Throughout the ghostwriting process, maintaining confidentiality and ethics is a must. Respecting the copyright of the original author and ensuring the protection of their identity and content is a fundamental responsibility. It's important to establish a clear agreement on the attribution and use of the content before starting the project.

Step 9: Deliver the finished content

Once the content has been approved by the original author, be sure to deliver it within the agreed deadlines. Resolve any outstanding details and ensure that the author has access to the finished content in the required format.

Step 10: Keep in touch and maintain a working relationship

Keep in continuous communication with the original author after the content is delivered. Cultivate a strong and reliable working relationship, as this can lead to future ghostwriting projects or additional collaborations. The author's trust and satisfaction are key to establishing a long-term working relationship.

Who is qualified to write ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting can be done by professional writers with outstanding writing skills, capable of accomodate in the style and voice of the businessman or the image of the company. However, they are also usually experts in specific areas that bring specialized knowledge to the text, such as Marketing or sales.

Some freelance writers specialize in ghostwriting, offering services such as writers ghosts. In addition, there are also agencies that are especially dedicated to this world and that have a team of professional writers to tackle projects.

If you want us to write your posts to position you and get customers in LinkedIn Sales Navigator, go to the website of Insurgente and request your budget.

If you are interested in the world of ghostwriting...

Be aware that becoming a ghostwriter is synonymous with working as a professional writer for another person or company. If you like the idea of earning a salary with it, I suggest the following:

Develop your writing skills

As a ghostwriter you have to have a good ability to write in different styles and genres. If you don't have experience yet, practice writing regularly and look for opportunities to improve your skills.

Expand your knowledge

It's important to have a extensive knowledge in various areas or seek to research them before starting with any project. The ghostwriter may need to write on a wide range of subjects, in order to get his voice out to a wider audience. Read books, articles, and other resources to keep up to date and expand your knowledge base.

Establish your niche

If you specialize in a specific area with a target audience you You will stand out and position yourself as an expert in that particular field.

Practice creativity

Although it can be complicated, in the world of ghostwriting, there are times when You have to pull creativity to make quality and original posts that capture the attention of your clients' clients... ghostwriters have to be very creative.

Do you need Ghostwriting services?

Well Insurgente we are a group of young professionals committed to digital marketing and specialized in LinkedIn for companies.

In our LinkedIn ads agency we have the best ghostwriting services, as well as different Social Selling strategies, advertising, emails, web designs, texts, fast and aesthetic usable pages.

In case you don't want to complicate yourself by learning ghostwriting, or you prefer to dedicate that full time to your company. Basically... we're the best way to get leads.


In conclusion, ghostwriting is an effective and valuable practice for creating high-quality content and increasing the visibility of a brand or public figure without the need for the author to appear as such. By delegating the writing of articles, books, speeches, or other content to a professional ghostwriter, you can take advantage of the author's knowledge and skills without compromising their time or identity.

To be successful in ghostwriting, it is essential to establish clear and fluid communication with the ghostwriter, conveying the objectives and the voice of the original author. Trust and confidentiality are key elements in this working relationship, ensuring that the final content faithfully reflects the personality and style of the original author.

In addition, it is important to highlight that ghostwriting is an ethical practice as long as it is done with transparency and mutual consent. Respecting copyrights and giving appropriate credit to ghostwriters are fundamental to maintaining the integrity and legitimacy of this form of collaborative writing.

Guía Waalaxy
B2B marketing



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